Hobbit Holes

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Far off in the deep jungle, there was a series of holes. Now don't go imagining dark muddy nasty holes, or sandy holes that don't offer much in protection from the outside world and don't have any room to sit down in. No, these were proper holes, holes fit to be lived in. These holes were elegantly furnished, walls, floors, and Ceilings made from wood or a nice looking sort of stone. Now in these two holes lived two young men, both were friends and both enjoyed pulling harmless pranks on one another. Which they did quite frequently.

Grian chuckles to himself as he puts his face on top of Mumbo's window. Then he runs back to his hole and steals some of Scar's crops. He then works on making himself a small garden, and a farm before heading inside for the night. His garden contained many different sorts of foods, carrots, wheat, potatoes, anything one could imagine.

Sitting down on his bed Grian brushes his hair back only to pause as his ears had slightly tapered into points, seeing this he merely brushes it off as being too tired to see properly. His hair was also behaving oddly, as it was starting to get really curly. "Must be the humidity," Grian mutters to himself, brushing his hair more thoroughly. After about five minutes he falls asleep.

When he wakes up he can't seem to help himself from cleaning his small hole up and finishing quite a bit of the wood laying. After this, he eats lunch and sits out front just watching the sky go by.

After sitting for a few hours Grian goes back inside of his beautiful home. To start work on creating a cellar. After a few hours of working on this, it's dinner time and soon after that, it's time to turn in for the night. As Grian unties his boots he sets them in his closet he gets ready for bed and again notices that his ears had small points at the ends. This time far too awake to brush it off he pokes at them for a few minutes before going to sleep thinking he'll deal with it in the morning.


It was about this time that a certain Mumbo Jumbo, walked to the hole up planning to give his friend a little gift. He constructs a small replica of Barad-dûr complete with RedStone doors opening and closing. The replica wasn't constructed from a deep black stone like the original, instead, it was constructed to match the jungle it was built in. Grinning to himself he wanders home humming a little as he walks.

As he gets home he starts getting ready for bed but pauses looking at his hair which was getting rather curly for some odd reason. Not caring about what his hair was up to, he shrugs it off before falling into bed.

By the time he awoke the sun was climbing high in the sky. Seeing this Mumbo jumps up and out of his bed, nearly falling down the stairs as he gets dressed. Not in his normal suit and tie, but in a pair of dark brown pants, with a dark blue shirt and deep green jacket not realizing it at the time, that he forgot his shoes. After getting dressed and grabbing something to eat he goes about his business making an iron farm. He only remembered his shoes at all because he had forgotten to bring some food with him and was almost back at his base when Iskall called out for him to wait a moment.

"Hey, Mumbo nice outfit," Iskall notes as he walks up beside his friend. "I got to ask though, where are your shoes?"

Mumbo looks down at his bare feet before looking back up a bit confused. "I could have sworn, I put them on,"

Iskall starts laughing uncontrollably at this as does Mumbo. "Any way where are you heading?"

"Hm, oh I'm heading back to my smials,"

"I'm sorry your what now?"

"My hobbit hole?"

"Never mind. Go get your shoes,"

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