Ikari One-Shot - Not Date

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I may or may not have gotten this idea from Good Luck Charlie shhhh

I was walking contentedly in the hallway when a Troublesome Girl met my side. I wouldn't necessarily mind her quiet company, emphasis on the quiet part, but she seemed to want to talk. And to prove this theory, Dawn groaned, a clear pronunciation of her wanting my attention. So, I gave her a slightly uninterested, "What?"

"My friend May set me up for a blind date but her boyfriend accidentally told me who it was."

"I assume you don't like this 'mystery person,' then," I shrugged.

The blunette groaned, worsening from the time before. "No. It's Conway, from Biology."

"And why is this a bad thing?" I couldn't quite piece together the Troublesome Girl's thoughts.

It was then that she snapped, "BECAUSE! He's creepy and I don't trust him." I didn't know what to say to her outburst, so nothing seemed to be the proper solution. Though this nothingness created an unwelcome idea. "Hey, what are you doing Friday night?"

"Nothing..." I trailed.

"Hey! Why don't you come along? That way, he'll get the message that it's not a date." The blunette giggled in her own amusement, "A not-date, if you will."

"I'd rather do something more important with my time."

The girl exclaimed quickly, "You just said you have nothing to do on Friday!"

It was me who groaned this time, "You really are a Troublesome Girl, aren't you?"

"You're the best, Paul! I'll text you the information!" She yelled this through the hall, leaving my side. She came across as ditsy but was truly a conniving and meticulous girl - she must've planned this.


Conway never showed. I genuinely sat there at this restaurant for hours, chatting with the Troublesome Girl. I was forced to listen to her giggle in cheer and to observe as her face went pink with chatter and excitement. How her eyes lit up at the sight of me merely exiting the bathroom, and in her lonesome her posture adjusted. It wasn't as painful as I thought, but I did wish I had stayed home. I'd much rather stay in my room and listen to music than the chatter of others enjoying themselves around me.

I touched on bits of my life and she told me everything about hers, clearly nervous with chatter, probably because of the ever approaching arrival of Conway, who made her feel so uncomfortable.

After two and a half hours, we decided she had been stood up. How anyone could stand up a girl as pretty as Dawn, I'm not sure. But here we were, with Conway's clearly inflated ego.

"About that..." Dawn muttered.

I immediately knew in her scrunched facial features that she was hiding something. "Spill, Troublesome."

"Okay!" She took a long pause. "Conway was never supposed to take me out."


"Yeah, I honestly just wanted to find a way to talk with just us two. I knew I couldn't get you here with me under normal circumstances."

I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say to that?

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to lie to you anymore."

"Dawn, it's whatever. I'm still here, aren't I?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "We had our own little Not-Date."

"A Not-Date, that's not half bad." She looked at me with her big, blue, pleading eyes. "I didn't hate it, Troublesome."

"Thank you for not being mad - I didn't hate it either."

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