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Dear Theodosia,

What to say to you? I have failed and never got to fulfill the promise. It seems that love is not really for me. Burr have always loved you just as how I love him. I wanted to apologize because even with all the time you gave me I never get to love Burr as I should've, it just came to me that maybe it really is not meant to be.

You're the only woman that God had deem deserving of his affections. Ever since before I have always been so jealous of how he fell in love with you, despite you just well— being you. While I, even with everything; never seem to make him love me. I didn't expect him to reciprocate in a way as I do but I actually hoped for even just an ounce of his attention. It's funny really thinking back to all the suitors I ignored, is this perhaps how they felt? I don't know, I was so focused on Burr at that time. I know it's meaningless writing a letter for you even though you're already gone, but there's your daughter. Not the same person but at least the same name.

I don't even know why I'm starting to write a letter for you instead of... Burr. But I know he'll find about this soon enough. I never regret the life I have lived by being at his side. And I hope he lives his life with no regrets either. As things they are now I know that my time has come.

I thank you for everything Burr, the best and only treasure I have in my life. I love you.

,Y/I. L/N

Fate has a way to play with its strings, pulling and cutting. And it seems that fate really loves to play.

It wasn't written in history, people not deeming it necessary since you never really affected the future.

But one thing is certain, you did affect the people around you.

If history is all about romance, maybe people will know of your existence.

And if people were to know, it's just too heartbreaking to even think of.

You died before Eliza.

You died before Burr.

You died before he told you the three words,

I love you.

Burr tried to do as you told but he can't.

He regrets it so much, and he knows he always will.

He whispers those words to the open air every single day hoping that, maybe you'll hear.

You didn't.

What Didn't (Aaron Burr x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now