Chapter 6

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There was progress,

a progress that you never really expected. It was faint— quite expected; but what you didn't expect is how somehow he begins to warm up to the idea of you giving him attention that he never really asked for. It brought you great joy that he's finally acknowledging all your efforts despite his reluctance, making you think that maybe it's something that will be. Of course Theodosia was elated at the news giving you a toothy grin chest puffed up in pride at the thought of, hopefully the two of you getting together. Her eagerness gave you a wave of confidence to pursue him double than of your previous courting.

It left Burr baffled at discovering that you were actually holding back, finding it amusing. Ever since he conceded to your affections he finds himself aware of your every attempt in wooing him leaving a strange bubbling feeling erupting from within his stomach. Which is very unlikely to be hunger. All your actions seeming to be non-stop even after assuring you that simple spending time together is enough. Leaving him to only sigh as you relentlessly prove that you're obviously enamored at him be it in public or not.

It made him actually think that maybe,

it wouldn't be so bad.


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