Chapter 7

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Things were going well,

better than what you could've asked for. Still in the courting phase but at least not given the cold shoulder. Making you wonder that perhaps all of this is just a dream but alas whatever you do, you can never seem to wake up from this blissful dream and you came to the conclusion that everything is all so real. The soft smiles he gives your way never fails to send your heart into full overdrive as you once again feel like an adolescent falling in love for the first time.

The interactions leaving you like a blushing maiden, giddiness filling your whole being as you can never seem to say no to this feeling. Everything was happy and just the way how you dream it would be and more. Like a fairytale with a happy ever after. A smile always adorning your face every time you are in his presence. It made Theodosia content that you have now fulfilled the promise to her mother and that

you are genuinely happy once more.


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