Chapter 3

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Dinner was interesting to say the least. Caleb was still being jumpy, constantly talking so there never was a quiet moment and Mr. and Mrs. Smith were trying to make small talk with my parents, but Raven was the one who caught my attention the most. 

He seemed reserved. He had a smile on his face, probably to be polite but it never reached his eyes. He would answer every question in a curt manner and then go back to nibbling on the bread-stick, one which he had been eating for about fifteen minutes.

Mrs. Smith finally took notice of me as I put the last piece of bread-stick in my mouth.

"What do you plan on doing after senior year Sebastian? Any potential universities in sight?" Mrs. Smith asked and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I really wanted to answer, I really did but I didn't want to choke so after making some random hand movements hoping they would understand that I needed a minute, I settled on looking like a deranged squirrel whose face was stuffed with nuts.

My mom, thank heavens, took pity on me and answered for me instead.

Psychology. It was the one subject that always intrigued me. How the human mind worked and what made people behave the way they did. It also included the fact that I was almost always incapable of social interaction and sometimes I wondered if I was wired different, hence the even bigger fascination with the subject.

This piqued Raven's curiosity, whereas Mr. and Mrs. Smith gave tight smile. The hint of disapproval was clear on Mr. Smith's face and I chose to ignore it. 

"Well, Raven is going to  major in business. We have gone through some excellent universities and I' m sure he'll get admitted to them. It's an absolute shame that you chose a major like that with your intellect. I heard from your parents about how good of a student you are so why would you choose psychology?" 

Mr. Smith was actually judging me. Me and my life choices. Normally, I would have ignored it and would have moved on but it was his tone that irked me. It made me feel like I was some pesky insect, way beneath his standards and I didn't like one bit. Sure, I had gotten a lot of weird looks and judgmental comments  for not wanting to be in a field where I could make it big and become extremely rich but this what I wanted to do ever since I was a wee child and to have someone talk down to me like that, made bile rise up my throat.

"It fascinates me." I replied in a tone which I hoped was polite and prayed that it ended the conversation. I wouldn't be able to keep the food down in my stomach if this went any further. Thankfully, the discussion steered away from me and I stared at the plate of food with mild irritation. A kick against my shin bought me back and Raven looked extremely apologetic, probably trying to ease to new found tension his father had put in me.

I half smiled at him and shrugged. At least I wouldn't have to deal with Mr. Smith on a daily basis. 


"I did not think my life would get any more cliche but here we are." 

I flinched. Raven was right. This was getting way too cliche for my liking. He was leaning against the  window sill, his room facing mine and I had half the mind to draw the curtains and go to sleep.

"Seems so. You like 'The Beatles'?" I leaned against the window sill as well, referencing to his worn out grey t-shirt. 

"I do." I hummed in agreement. 'Bedhead' had good taste. 

It went back to being quiet again and I settled on gazing at the moon. The stillness was broken by a shrill ringtone and Raven mouthed me.

"Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

I responded with a wave. Raven and I would be attending whole of junior year and senior year together. I wondered if everything was going to turn out okay and drew the curtains, plunging my room into darkness.

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