Chapter 16

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We were hunting for a part-time job.

So far, all the places we had been to did not require a part timer. They were kind enough to direct us to places which probably might and we followed their instructions to no avail. 

We were currently on our way back home for dinner and it was luckily the weekend from tomorrow so there was no homework submission to worry about. We walked in amicable silence as we thought of other options that might work for a job. 

After I had so bravely asked him the 'would you rather' question, I instantly wanted to take back the words. I had rolled over onto my side, not wanting Raven to see my fear laced expression. He simply kept a hold around my waist and spooned me from behind and answered.

"You. We would have so much fun."

But the thought about a date then pushed him into thinking further about how to pay for one, him currently being broke. So we stayed up for a while coming up with a 'fool proof' plan that could earn us some cash, me tagging along for moral support. When we informed my parents earlier this morning, they thought that it would be a great learning experience for me as well. 

We were at the turning to my house when Raven stopped in his tracks, like he always did before entering my place. He would stare at his house for a few minutes and his little finger would twitch, a tell tale sign that he was going to cry. He missed his brother, who he had not met in the past three weeks. He missed his parents, even though they were abominable. Most of all, he missed just being happy. 

It was taking a toll on him, seeing our family work our way through fights and him not having one to go back to. There were many days where I would wake up to him crying and hugging me for his dear life. I would whisper sweet nothings into his ear and pat him to sleep. But two weeks after, his sadness turned into rage. 

And that was the phase he currently was in. He never took it out on me, at least he tried not to. The one time he did ended up with both of us as sobbing messes, clinging onto each other as we whispered our sorries. He resorted to painting after that and when he took out the easel, I knew better than to distract him. He had found his coping mechanism.

My parents also knew when to keep their distance. They had not asked him the full story but knew that Raven's parents were shit bags, so they did whatever they could to make Raven happy. They would coddle him and give him love and in a way had adopted him into our family. They also referred him to a therapist who he could talk to without judgement. He was yet to take up the offer but I knew he would soon. He needed an outlet.

I held his hand when he stopped, applying a little pressure to show that I was there, that I would always be there. He gave a small smile and we walked into 'our' house hand in hand only to let go when we were in the living room. 

"Hey kids! Any luck finding a job?" My dad all but shouted from the kitchen. 

"Not yet! We'll try again tomorrow." I replied, hanging my coat. 

"You'll definitely find one. Anyways, it's your dad's turn to cook today so we'll have to wait  a while. I'll make you some juice if you're hungry." 

Mom hugged Raven as she spoke and then did the same for me. We were starving so we took up the offer of juice. 

Raven was the first to enter 'our' room, shutting the door when I was in as well. Sighing in relief, we started to freshen up, changing out of our uniform into shorts and a tee. I spun around to see him still facing his house, his room in particular when he let out a choked cry. I bounded up to him hugging him yet again from behind. 

"I miss them. I know they sucked as parents but they were still family."

"I know." 

"I miss Caleb. But he probably hates me now as well." 

"He doesn't hate you, Raven. He's a kid. You can try talking to him." I twirled him around so that he could look at me. 

"We could wait near his school." I continued, wiping his tears. Someone like Raven should never cry. He was so pure and kind and loving that it hurt to see him broken. The only person he was hard on was himself. He pushed himself to the point of breaking.

"Let's try that." 

I placed a small kiss on his forehead, wiping yet another stray tear forgetting my boundaries for a minute and we both froze at my action. A shout resounded in the house soon after and I peeled my eyes away from his, letting him go. I was going to walk away, heart pounding at my stupidity and grateful for the well timed distraction until I was pulled back into Raven. 

He was still in mild shock but he was smiling. Sure, it wasn't the sunny smile he normally gave but it was a smile nonetheless. For the first time, there was a part of my mind yelling 'abort mission'  when he spun me so that I was crushed between him and a wall but a much larger part of me hummed in delight at the contact. 

"Can I kiss you?"

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