Chapter 20

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Midterms were the best distraction I could ever ask for. The two weeks flew by with studying and the constant panic that I would fail my classes. There were multiple nights where I would wake up in terror about a missed exam or about how a topic I hadn't studied was the basis of my whole grade. Those were also the nights that I would cling onto Raven. 

Raven was trying to make up for that day as much as he could, in his own way. He felt horrible about how our supposed first date ended up and wanted to have a redo as soon as possible. So I put the thought of Mia aside and I felt much lighter after. Raven had nothing to apologize for. He was just doing his job. But we did need to talk about it and I was currently avoiding it with all I had. She was just his colleague and I was his boyfriend. 

We hadn't put a label on our relationship yet and it wasn't really necessary. As far as I was concerned, we were dating. 

"We're done! Finally! Let's celebrate!" Leah exclaimed and I agreed. I needed to blow off the excess steam that had accumulated. I looked at Raven who was on his phone, biting his lip as he typed something. 

"Why don't we have a sleepover at your place Seb? It's the weekend tomorrow so we can stay up!" Mark spoke up as he patted Liam's back. Raven agreed with the idea, also cause he had work soon and could only be free later.

"Sure. Come over by six? Do I order something mexican?" 

"Oh! That sounds great! I've been craving tacos for a while now." Leah said, happily bounding in place. With that, we part ways.

When the school was out of sight, Raven took my hand, clenching it tightly. 

"I'll be back by then. We can spend some time together after I'm back." 


"Also, there is a carnival next week and since we have holidays, I thought that we could go? I can take a day off because of that birthday disaster so I'll be yours."

He was fidgeting and I smiled at his actions. He was scared about how the last date ended and the fact that I hadn't spoken to him that night. In retrospect, maybe I should have said something but I knew that if I had opened my mouth back then, I would have really hurt Raven. 

"Sure. I'd love to go."


Liam was winning. Mark and him were playing a racing game and since Liam had the upper hand, Mark started to whine. 

Leah and I, however were perched on my bed, her talking about this boy who was making her life miserable. The boy had the classic 'ponytail-pulling' syndrome as  I called it where he would do mean things just to get her attention. Leah was not having it. She kicked him in the balls when it became too much and was avoiding him ever since.

I was proud of her.

"It's already seven. Raven should be here by now right?"

"Yeah. I don't know, Leah. He always comes home late nowadays."

"Do you think he has a lover? Someone at the cafe?"

"I don't think so."

Her words made my heart lurch. After ordering food, I asked the trio to look after the house as I went to the cafe to find out what was taking Raven so long. Alex greeted me with a smile when he saw me approach the counter.

"Hey bud, what can I get you?"

"Have you seen Raven?" I asked, to which he pointed towards the back. 

"Mia wanted him for something. I reckon she's telling him what she feels?"

What? I hesitantly opened the door, walking through the alleyway to the back when I heard them. 

"Hey, I was looking." I paused in my tracks, the sight of them kissing burning into into my mind.

Raven pushed her away, seeming angry when he noticed me and his expression changed to fear.

"Seb, this isn't.."

"Can you leave, Mia?" I glared at the girl, getting colder by the minute and she had the audacity to scoff.

"Can't you see we're busy?"

"Shut the fuck up and leave." I cut in, the need to punch something growing by the minute. Raven's eyes widened at my curse. I never cursed and he knew it.


"He's my boyfriend and I need to talk to him. Now leave."

Her eyes widened as I dragged Raven away and I was glad that Raven quietly followed.


"Let's talk about it at home. I want an explanation." I said gruffly, looking at his fear filled face.

"I trust you, Raven. We're going to have a talk. That's it."


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