Chapter 23

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The subtle grins my parents were giving each other was enough to make me want to die inside. Now that they didn't have to hide the fact that they knew, they teased us at every given opportunity. Just holding hands with Raven while we watched some random cartoon on television was enough to make them gush about how cute we were.

I could hear the camera shutter click in the background and I pressed my face into Raven's chest in response, whining. 

"Stop!" I whined when another photo was taken and I could feel Raven's heartbeat rise. He clutched onto me , pulling me as close as ever, kissing the top of my head and I heard my mom squeal. I threw a cushion towards her, or where she was supposed to be and smiled when I heard a thump and a pained sound. 

"Okay cuddle-bugs. Get up and help us clean up and then we can all watch 'Die Hard' for the millionth time." My dad grumbled as he threw the cushion back at us. I pulled away from Raven with a sigh, wanting to be done with our chores so that I could go back and enjoy the snugness he provided. 

"Fine." I muttered, as I balanced some of the dishes on my arms. I continued to grumble as I rinsed them, showing that I was not happy to be doing this when I could be doing other things but all I received was a chuckle and pat on my back from my dad. 

I was ecstatic though. My body flared in happiness with the thought of my parents' support. Sure, they were being slightly creepy with the photos but I knew that they were doing it out of love. It might also be the fact that this was my first 'actual' relationship that set them off on us even more. 

When I finished cleaning up, in a very half-assed manner may I add, I heard the low voices of my parents and Raven. Curious as to what they were talking about, I sneaked up behind them with the grace of a ninja. 

"If you don't mind me asking, how are you both so accepting of it?" Raven asked shifting his eyes to my parents who just smiled.

"I don't know what there is to accept. Your private life shouldn't need acceptance from others, in my opinion. You are allowed to love whoever you want, irrespective of gender. It's really none of our business to butt into our child's love life unless we're needed or when we know that the significant other is trash and would hurt our baby eventually." 

Mom's words were comforting. It felt like a warm hug to my soul and I couldn't have been more proud of having such wonderful human beings as my parents.

"Also, when I first met Ashley, she was dating this horrid girl. Kathy Everdeen right?" Dad grinned, as he turned to mom who winced at the memory.

"What?" I gushed and the three of them did not even flinch at my 'not so' stealthy arrival. Well, there went my plans of becoming the best ninja there is. I hurriedly sat down next to Raven, my eyes wide open and mouth gaping and Raven's instant response was to hold my waist and draw me closer to him. I smiled at the motion.

"Come on! Stop blushing and tell them!"My dad said eagerly as he patted mom's back. She gave him the stink eye and I instinctively knew that my dad would be sleeping on the couch today.

"When I was twenty six, I met this gorgeous Hispanic girl who caught my attention immediately. She seemed charming and sweet and I thought that we would end up marrying each other. Turns out she was actually married to Benji.." 

I cut her off there.

"Wait, Benji? As in Benjamin? Dad's best friend?" 

Benjamin was one the sweetest men that I had the pleasure to meet. Tall, dark and handsome, he was a treat for the eyes and for the soul. He would turn up every Christmas with gifts and stories galore and I would spend the entire week hanging out with him whenever he and dad weren't together. They were like two peas in a pod and at some point in my life, I was very jealous of their friendship.

"Yeah. Benji was married to that devil woman for less than a year and that's actually how I met your father. Long story short, we all found out and kicked her to the streets. Benji got the divorce filed and during that time, we got pretty close. Six months later, I was dating your dad."

I nodded, processing the information. So my mom was bisexual as well. That was news to me. 

Mom snuggled against dad who finally diverted our attention to the television where 'Die Hard' had started to play yet again. They were engrossed in the movie while Raven and I just kept playing with each others' fingers. 

It had been one of my best nights.

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