Chapter 19 {Part 2}

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It had been a while since I had woken up to Raven sleeping. Darkness shrouded the room and I could hear the ticking of the clock. The desperate urge to pee had woken me up and I slowly climbed over Raven as I tried not to wake up the sleep deprived boy. 

When I approached the bed after completing my business, Raven was on his phone, the blue light blaring into his face. He set it down when he saw me and opened his arms so that I could go back to cuddling with him. I took up the offer, reveling in his tight embrace. 

"Let's go on a date when we're up." He stated, trying to tame my bed head. 

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" 

"How about we go to the stand-up comedy at the theater near the lake? And after we could grab a bite to eat at the cafe which sells your favourite dessert. We could also do karaoke if you'd like." 

I smiled. He had picked three of my ideal date ideas. 

"Let's do that then. We can't take the whole day off though. Midterms are in a week and we need to study. You already lack the time because of your job."

"True." He paused, " We can go in the evening at around five if you'd like. Let's study together in the morning. Also I've asked for a week off during midterms and I can study as I'm doing the job for the following week. It's what I've been doing. I study during class hours as well now that they've let us free."


"Seb? I'm really sorry." 

I patted his cheek in response.

"You don't have to be."


We woke up at half past eight and after taking an hour to eat breakfast and just chill, we deemed it necessary to start studying. I could sit for hours together before my mind shut down whereas Raven was the type to take several breaks in between. It was only when it turned two that I closed the book when my hunger pangs became unbearable. 

Grabbing a few sandwiches from the kitchen, I half-jogged back to the room, wanting to open the book again, my anxiety getting the better of me. Raven was already seated, headphones in place as he quietly read.

I saw an empty plate by the bed post and figured that he had already eaten. He never disturbed me when I was in my zone and it applied both ways. 

It was four when Raven prodded my arm, jolting me back. He held me in a back-hug, kissing the top of my head. 

"Go take a shower and get ready. We'll be late for the show if we don't leave soon."



It had been a while since I had felt this emotion but seeing Mia latch herself onto Raven at any given opportunity made me seethe. Raven kept her at a distance though as he weaved around the tables serving the horde of people who had arrived at the cafe. It was some kid's birthday celebration and the parents of the bratty child had given only a day's notice to Alex that they wanted to celebrate it in the cafe.

Alex had taken it, seeing how it was good business but when thirty kids had shown up screaming and jumping around, he regretted his decision. It was too much for him and Mia to handle, even with the help of Jason, the other part-timer. So Raven was called in after being given a bonus and a promise of him having one of the days off in the middle of the week.

He reluctantly agreed when Alex started to beg and our date was cut short. We hadn't even gotten to the show yet so technically there was no date to cut short. There was no date at all.

I winced at the shrill cries of the kids' as they played some game, toppling over some of the cups,which luckily weren't glass and there was juice all over the floor. I could see Mia frown and grab a mop, as she tried to calm the children down and prevent them from falling. 

Raven laughed as he approached the struggling girl and they started to laugh at some joke that Raven made. She was giggling extremely hard, grabbing Raven's arm playfully. She flicked his cheek when he spoke and then ruffled his hair soon after. I could feel bile rise up my throat. 

Maybe I was over reacting. She  probably was a touchy-feely  person who couldn't keep her hands to herself when she was talking.

But when slid an arm up Raven's chest and then playfully smacked him, I knew I did not want to see more. I was out the door in a jiffy, forcing myself to not think of the girl. Pinching myself, I kept wandering in front of the noisy establishment when I noticed a library close by. 

It looked like it had been built in the medieval period and that made it all the more exquisite. There was a middle aged woman perched against the desk who looked towards me when the bell chimed indicating a visitor. She kept her eyes on me as I made my way to the shelves, searching for a book to keep me company.

After selecting a science fiction book that seemed promising, I sat down on the couch that was placed facing the desk where the woman was seated.  She was still looking at me, curiosity looming in her eyes and I smiled at her, hoping she would look away.


"There you are." Raven huffed, slightly out of breath. 

"You ready to leave, Seb? It's already ten." 

"Yeah. Let's go home. I'm hungry." I was off the couch, walking towards the shelf so that I could place the book back.

"You haven't eaten?"

"No. I was waiting for you. Also I did not pay attention to the time, so yeah." I replied, finally facing the boy and to my surprise, Mia was also present. 

"Shit Seb. I'm so sorry. We lost track of time too and Alex kept feeding us to keep us going. The party just ended and Mia asked if we could drop her home."

The anger was back. I knew Raven was a sweetheart and that he would go out his way to make others feel safe and comfortable but what he was doing made my stomach twist. He had no other intentions and I knew it, I trusted him but the more I saw Mia with him, the angrier I got.

So, I bit my tongue and retorted.

"Why don't you drop her instead? I'm going home." And I walked out.

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