Part 1

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Jimin's POV

I was woken up from my short nap when the sudden nauseous feeling hit me, and I lurched to the bathroom.

As soon as I reached the toilet bowl, my stomach was emptied out immediately.

I sat on the floor for a while to catch my breath after vomiting, and wiped my tears away using the sleeves of my pajama.

I pushed myself up using the sink as support and proceeded to rinse my mouth as soon as I managed to stand up.

"This is harder than I thought," I mumbled to myself.

My hand automatically caressed the bump on my stomach, and I smiled at the feel of it under my palm.

"It's okay, honey. I'll do everything to protect you," I whispered lovingly before looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I took a deep breath and mustered out the most energetic smile on my face as self-motivation to start another brand-new day.


"Jimin, where are you?" Hoseok's sing-sang with his cheerful voice echoed throughout the whole house and I looked up from the pancake batter that I was working on for him.

"In the kitchen!" I replied without halting my stirring.

I smiled hearing Hoseok's greeting towards every existence in the house just like always.

"Hey, my goldfish bro. How're you doing? What? Jimin forced you to eat pancake at 3.00 am again?!"

"Ayo, Mr. TV. You saw Jimin running to the toilet? He puked on the sofa this time?!"

"Hi Mrs. Coffee. Oh, you miss Jiminie? No, it's not that he didn't love you anymore, he can't drink you because there's a baby in his belly. You need to be patient, okay?"

He kept on talking and talking non-stop with everything he found in the house. Although it was kind of ridiculous, it helped in cheering me up and made me feel less lonely with him around.

I was pregnant, yes.

And a big NO before you jumped into conclusion.

No, Hoseok's not the father.

I just met him after I moved here because he happened to be my neighbor. Hoseok was living next door with his housemate named Yoongi. Hoseok was easy to befriend with since he was friendly by nature.

However, Yoongi was a different case.

I have only seen Yoongi a couple of times because based on Hoseok, Yoongi worked throughout the weekdays and was usually sent to work outstation. And when he finally came back home, he slept in his room throughout the weekend and only came out when he had to go to work again.

"I'm lucky to have you as my neighbor, Jimin. Yoongi hyung usually kicks me out on weekend since he wants to catch up on his sleep, so I don't have anywhere to go. With you being here, I'm not a homeless bum on weekends anymore," Hoseok flashed his heart-smile while taking the stirrer from my hand.

"I'm the one who should thank you, Hoseok hyung. You helped me a lot since I came here," I watched as Hoseok finished stirring the batter and started to cook the pancakes for himself.

It's true.

Three months ago, I struggled a lot since my morning sickness was way worse than I was now. And Hoseok - despite being a total stranger at that time - had volunteered to take care of me with the sole condition that I allowed him to stay at my house during weekend.

Since we were in the world of werewolves, it's not hard for Hoseok as a werewolf himself to recognize a scent of a pregnant omega like me as soon as we met. Thus, when he knew that I was going to live here alone, he immediately offered himself to look after me from time to time until I was able to manage myself again.

But one thing for sure, I was thankful that he didn't ask the whereabouts of the baby's father.

Because truthfully, I didn't know who's the father too.

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