Part 34

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Jimin’s POV

After Minji left with the couple, it was kind of awkward to be left with Jungkook alone.

"Um, do you have anywhere you want to go?" I asked Jungkook as he entered the car and started the engine.

"Not really. I plan to follow wherever Minji wants to go, so I didn't have any specific place in mind," he shrugged his shoulder, putting on his seatbelt.

"Can we go to the mall? I want to buy some gifts for Yoonji noona and Taehyung," I asked, wanting to give something in return for the dinner invitation.

"What for?"

"They invite us for dinner, Jungkook. I don't feel comfortable coming to their house with empty hands tonight,"


"I mean Minji and me,"

"I'm not invited then?"

"I don't - you are doing this on purpose, Jungkook,"

"It's fun to tease you. You got flustered so easily and it's cute," he laughed a little, having fun.

"C-Cute?" I widened my eyes a little at the word that came out from his mouth.

"Yes, and very pretty," Jungkook continued, staring at me with a very strong loving eyes that it made my breath hitched and my body increased in temperature.

I cupped my cheeks with my palms to cover the effect that Jungkook gave me, and quickly turned away from him and hid my face by staring out the window by my side wordlessly.

Jungkook chuckled at me being embarrassed, but respected it and started driving to one of the closest malls around us.


"Jungkook, I can't afford to buy things from this store," I honestly told the male as we were stepping closer to the high-brand store.

"I'm paying, Jimin. But I suck at choosing gifts for people, so if you're willing to choose for me, that'd be so great already. Please?"

"W-well, okay. But I don't know much of what apparels they have in here, so don't leave me by myself, okay?"

"I wouldn't leave you for the world, baby" his sultry voice took my breath away but I was shocked even more when he circled his arm around my waist from behind and pulled me to his chest.

"Jungkook!" whispering his name urgently, I tried to push him away by pressing my palm on his - oh wow, very hard - chest, but Jungkook's gentle touch on my wrist stopped me.

"Call me Jungkookie, and just follow my lead" he leaned down close to my ears to said those instructions, and I gulped as I looked into the store that was only a few meters away from us.

The staff at the front door had realized our presence and her eyes widened comically when Jungkook stood up straight and started walking towards the store, pulling me even closer than before as we walked.

"Welcome to our store Mr. Jeon Jungkook and Mr. - " she bowed a little as we entered but then hesitantly looked up to ask for my name.

"Park Jimin, just call me Jimin please," I removed myself from Jungkook's hold to bow back to the female staff. I haven't been greeted into a store like this in my whole life so this was a culture shock for me even in my own country.

I heard Jungkook chuckled from behind me and he was quick to held me back by the waist and made me stood up straight beside him.

"We want to buy gifts for our friends. Please help us find the best you have in here," he requested confidently, and I could see that the female staff looking like she could almost faint as Jungkook spared her a look.

At our visit to the store, it seemed like everyone inside it was giving their attention to us. Most of it to Jungkook, of course. He was this powerful and enchanting kind of guy, who exuded such aura that stood him out even to strangers.

I knew that he was famous, and had great looks, but it made me feel all itchy in my chest looking at the people's reaction.

It felt like that one time when Minji chose to hug Shooky and Mang to sleep and not me.

And I didn't like the feeling.

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