Part 30

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Jimin's POV

Minji was so excited for the visit to aquarium that she managed to eat twice more than her usual, which was almost the amount of an adult's serving. And funnily, Jungkook ate a lot almost just like her.

Oh wait, let me rephrase it.

Minji ate a lot just like Jungkook.

I was shocked to see such large amount of breakfast on our dining table, but soon only able to laugh when those two started gobbling up their food while excitedly planning about where they wanted to go for the day.

Secretly, I took photos of them without them realizing before I focused back on my food.

"Mama, can Minji buy dolphin plushies for Seojunie and Haneulie oppa when we get there?"

"Sure, Minji. Papa will buy it for you and the twins too," Jungkook answered on my behalf to the girl that was properly seated on her child seat at the back, while fastening his own seatbelt at the driver seat.

I who was already properly seated beside Jungkook, turned to him in surprise and held his forearm on instinct at his answer.

"Jungkook," I talked in slow voice while looking at the male, not wanting the alpha to spoil Minji easily.

"What is it?" he looked at me back with a smile, seeming clueless to why I was calling him. Thus, I decided to talk later about the topic, maybe when Minji's not listening.

"Nothing, just drive carefully okay?" I smiled back, shaking my head a little and glanced at Minji to give signal to the male.

Jungkook seemed to understand my signal and he nodded in agreement, looking through the rear cam to look at our excited daughter at the back.

...our daughter?

Our daughter.

That didn't sound so bad at all. It's very pleasing to say the least.

I smiled a little being in my own thoughts as Jungkook entertained the princess by asking which song to be played on the speaker, and Minji excitedly sang along to the baby shark song once it was played.

A few minutes later, the car was quite after Minji fell asleep. I already predicted that much, since she ate so much this morning.

"Jimin," Jungkook called, and I looked at him who was focused on the road.


"Do you want to talk about earlier?" he asked, and I remembered about the thing I wanted to talk to him about Minji.

"Ah, about that. Actually, I have been trying to teach Minji to appreciate her plushies more," I told, wanting Minji to start valuing her belongings better.

"Her plushies?" Jungkook glanced at me, not understanding my intention.

"Well, not only her plushies, I just want her to value more of the things she has in life. Like a roof to live under, a food on the table to be eaten, plushies to play with, just, simple things that might be taken for granted," I explained to him, feeling that he should know what I planned for Minji's education.

"But isn't she still too young?" Jungkook questioned again, stopping at the traffic light safely as the light turned red.

"She is, but I want her to at least aware about it," I answered, playing with my fingers instead of meeting eyes him.

"What should I do then?" he asked after he fell into silence for a few seconds, and I was relieved that he accepted the idea.

"Later when we're buying her the plushies, can you please talk to her to buy only what's needed and don't just discard her old ones?" I asked, and Jungkook turned to give me an assuring smile.

"Of course. I can do that," he agreed, before looking back to the road and started driving again as the green light lighted up.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry if you think I'm being a bit strict on Minji," at my apology, Jungkook quickly shook his head, not accepting it.

"No, don't be. I think it's great, really. I believe you are always thinking of the best for Minji, and I want to learn to do that from you," he talked softly, accepting my method to educate my little girl.

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