Part 24

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Jimin's POV

I knew that in a way, Jungkook was right.

I realized now that one day, Minji would grow up old enough to ask about her another parent.

Would she accept if I said honestly about what's going on in my mind?

That my fear was what stopped her from getting the complete love of both her parents?

The only person I told about my fear to was Seokjin.

It only happened when I had nightmare about my childhood when I fell sick and Seokjin was coincidentally there to aid me back to health.

He said I was calling for my mother. And I cried in sleep. And I begged, calling for her not to leave me. And I gripped Seokjin's hand tight even in my sleep. And because of that, he had to hold himself from going to the toilet for four hours. Thus, he demanded explanations for his sacrifice.

And when I told him about my childhood, I spilled about how I got Minji too. And when I thought that I'd receive a smack for doing something so stupid, I received a warm hug instead.


"You fool," Seokjin whispered after hearing my explanation. I was sitting up, resting my back on the bed's headrest, and Seokjin sitting by the bedside.

"I know," I looked down guiltily to my hand that was engulfed by his, and waited to be scolded. I flinched as Seokjin moved closer, but then opened my eyes as I was pulled into a hug.

"How can someone so small and fragile like you do something so risky like that?" his voice quivered.

"I want my own baby, hyung. And now, having Minji is the biggest bless in my life, even though the process is that stupid," I admitted.

"I admire you, honey. I'd never be able to do things like that without someone to depend on," he caressed my hair tenderly after he broke the hug.

"You have Namjoon hyung, hyung. I know that both of you will be there for each other, and would definitely be there for the twins whenever things happen. You're even here for me, even though I'm no one to you," I smiled, but Seokjin frowned.

"You're not no one, Jimin. You are family. Repeat after me. Although I'm Park, I'm Kim too," he demanded.

"Hyung, that doesn't make sense," I let out a laugh, but Seokjin serious face didn't waver.

"Just do it," he urged, staring harder now.

"Alright, alright. Although I'm Park, I'm Kim too," I repeated obediently, and Seokjin finally smiled, ruffling my already messy bed hair.

"Good. Now eat this porridge and get healthy so that you could cuddle Minji to sleep again. She's been worrying about you since yesterday," he informed, telling me about my daughter who had been sleeping at his house so that my fever won't get to her.

Flashback ended

Seokjin had been keeping the news well to himself although he had urged me to tell it to everyone in our circle of friends because they would understand.

And I guessed that he was right. Thinking back about it, Hoseok and Yoongi must've been wondering as well, but they never tried to pry.

They respected my privacy, and accepted me for who I was, even when they knew nothing about my past.

And Jungkook.

To be honest, it scared me at how easily he had waltzed into our life. He did it so effortlessly, like he was always meant to be there.

But when he offered his young, successful self to be responsible for Minji, I had doubts.

I had concerns.

I had worries.

I had questions.

I had uncertainties.

Accepting Jungkook meant more love for Minji. It's true.

I've seen how he treated the girl. It was like Minji was always his princess. He treated her with care, and I wasn't blind to see the affection Minji had for the young alpha.

She loved him.

But I'm still afraid for me.

Will I change and treate Minji differently when Jungkook entered my heart?

It's not hard for the male to do it, from the way he acted, it's only about time that my heart will belong to him too.

What do I do when that time comes?

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