Part 38

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Jungkook's POV

"Mom," I video-called, as soon as the dinner at Taehyung's finished.

Jimin and Minji were both sent home safely by me, and although I was reluctant to go, Jimin reminded me about telling my parents about them. Thus, I went home quickly, excited to let mom and dad know about this.

"Son," her face was void of emotions, and I knew that I was at fault here.

"Hi," I awkwardly smiled, trying to gain sympathy but only receiving a nod from my mom.

"Hello," she answered curtly, and I was getting impatient.

"Mooommm, stop doing it," I whined, plopping my back on the bed, ignoring my wet hair after shower.

"Sorry honey, I just thought that I should punish you a little since you haven't been calling me for what, a year?!" she sassed and I sighed.

"It's not even a month - okay, I'm sorry. I'm wrong. I'm a bad son to you this time for fogetting to call you when I have promised to call you daily," I apologized, knowing that this mother of mine was just too protective of her son.

"Yes, glad you know it" she nodded in agreement, feeling satisfied that she won.

"Can you please forgive me already? I have good news I want to share," I urged, wanting to move on to the main topic quickly.

"Of course, I forgive you. I can't get mad at you for long anyways. What is it?" she smiled, beautiful like always.

"I'm very happy nowadays, mom. And I hope you and dad can be happy for me too," I said, seeing straight into the phone, feeling a little nervous.

"Of course, honey. You do sound so happy the last time you called, so that's why I held myself back from visiting you there," she grinned.

"I found my loves," I told her as starter, knowing that the sentence was enough to make her excited.

"You found your love?! Oh my goodness, finally - wait. Did I hear an 's' behind that love?" she was about to jump out from the bed but then stopped herself to confirm what she was hearing.

Mom, sharp as always.

"His name is Jimin. And he has a daughter, Minji. And I love both of them very much," I introduced, feeling my heart filled with warmth as I spoke of the two.

"Oh honey, tell me more" my mom seemed surprised, but intrigued to know more. I was glad that mom and dad was such an open-minded parents.

"Is dad there?"

"He's beside me just listening, baby," mom turned the phone to show dad in his reading glasses by her side.

"Alright, hi dad," I waved timidly, earning a calm smile from my father.

"Hi, son. I hope you can explain yourself so that me and your mom can fully understand your situation with this Jimin boy and his daughter," he said in a calm and collected tone, acting like he always did.

"I know, and I'll tell you everything. I met them through Yoongi hyung. They're neighbors with him. And then mom, you remember the only time I got grounded when I was at the end of high school?" I asked, grinning at the thought of the past.

"Yes, I do remember it. You got yourself into that some weird website shit and sleep with random men," she told bluntly, having a very different reaction comoared to me as she frowned her eyebrows.

"Not men, mom. One man and I found out that it's Jimin, and he got pregnant from it" I told, definitely ignoring how I had dropped the bomb like it was nothing.

"Are you sure it's your son, honey? Did he try to trick you because he wants your money?" she took a while to reply, but still willing to accept.

"She looks exactly like me. With my bunny teeth and all. And I'm the one who pursue her father. Jimin didn't even want to know who his partner and planned to raise Minji by himself. I got into a small argument with him because he rejected me at first," I explained, wanting my parents to know that Jimin wasn't the one chasing after me, and it was their son who did the chasing all along.

"You got rejected, baby?" her eyes showed pity and I rolled my eyes at her question.

"That's not the point, mom. The point is that I know I am Minji's father. I have a baby of my own, mom. You're a grandma, now. You already got your wish come true. Becoming a grandma before fifty!" I exclaimed.

"Oh gosh, my Kookie you're right! I'm a grandma. We're grandparents, darling!" the phone shook along as mom excitedly shook my father's shoulder to share her excitement.

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