Part 3

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Jimin's POV

"Welcome to - oh Hobi! Is that the new friend you said before?" a friendly voice was heard from behind the counter as soon as we stepped into the store.

I walked closely behind Hoseok, feeling quite nervous to meet Hoseok's friend.

"Hey, Jin hyung. Yup, this is Jimin and baby. Jimin and baby, meet Seokjin hyung. You can just call him Jin hyung if you want," Hoseok introduced us and I was less tense because the said man was more welcoming than I thought.

He radiated warm feelings like a mother when we shook hands and I instantly felt comfortable with his presence.

"Oh my gosh, Hoseok did say that you're a cute and small little mochi, but you're smaller than I thought," Seokjin said gleefully.

"And very much cuter too," he added and I couldn't help but chuckled shyly at his comment.

"Can I touch your baby bump?" he was quite straightforward for someone who I just met, but I didn't feel any discomfort at all and let him touch my belly.

"She's turning five months old this week," I informed voluntarily to Seokjin and Hoseok gasped dramatically.

"She?! The baby's a girl? Why didn't I know about this?" Hoseok questioned.

"I didn't go and check yet, actually. It's just my intuition," I smiled while caressing the baby bump.

"I thought my first born were girls too when I craved for everything pink in this world but no. Still, one of them loves pink color a lot, even more than I do," Seokjin smiled proudly thinking of his boys.

"Okay, back to our main objective. Jimin, can you smile for me for five seconds?" Seokjin suddenly requested but I obeyed, nonetheless.






"Passed! Jimin, you can start working anytime you want," Seokjin exclaimed right after the five seconds ended.

"Is that it? You're not going to ask anything else?" I asked, not believing that I was really hired just because of a five-second smile.

"Nope, you passed because you're cute, okay?" he decided with a highly confident tone, leaving no space for argument.

"Okay," I replied meekly but still relieved that I got a job now.

"Good, so when are you going to start working? Is tomorrow okay or is it too soon?" he asked.

"Yes, sure. I can start tomorrow. Thanks for hiring me, Seokjin hyung," I smiled gratefully to the tall male.

"Don't say that, the store was getting boring anyways. I'm glad that you come, I finally have a friend to gossip with,"

"I'm disappointed, hyung. Am I not your gossip friend, here?" Hoseok complained as Seokjin walked us out.

"Shut up. This is between mothers. You can't butt in unless you carry a baby in your stomach," Seokjin commented as he gave me a small bottle of banana milk which I quickly sipped deliciously.

'I never knew banana milk was this delicious before. Is it the brand, or is it because it's free?'

"That's unfair, I can't get pregnant," Hoseok whined and stomped his feet as we walked out the store.

"Then, make Yoongi pregnant. If that happens, I'll consider taking you both into the club," Seokjin shamelessly remarked publicly in front of his store.

I choked and coughed out some of the banana milk at the comment, totally not expecting that kind of relationship between Yoongi and Hoseok.

I knew that Hoseok liked Yoongi from the way his eyes sparkled whenever Yoongi was mentioned, but I never knew they had gone that far.

Well, I wasn't in the place to say anything since I even did it with a total stranger and got myself pregnant.

Their hot and cold relationship was considered very normal compared to mine.

"W-what are you talking about? There's no way Yoongi hyung would agree on that," Hoseok stuttered out as his face became red with embarrassment when some of the pedestrians looked our way when they heard our conversation.

"Agree on what?" another voice interrupted our conversation and I choked on the banana milk for the second time looking at the owner.

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