Dealing With The Pain

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Over the next few weeks Yo had put all his energy into his studies, trying to distract him from the pain slowly crushing his heart. Knowing that the man you love, had planned to spend your whole life with, had cheated on you and had a family with his mistress was beyond devastating. To top it off Pha hasn't once tried to call him in these past few weeks. Yo was trying to ease the pain he was feeling and cut off contact with his husband for the time being but was incredibly surprised that Pha didn't once try to reach out to him. He shouldn't expect any different as Pha had more important priorities at the moment and he was just an afterthought.

5 weeks after after learning of his husband's infidelity Yo had reluctantly called his soon to be ex-husband, if only to see what lies he would spill to explain why he hadn't spoken to him in weeks. It took 4 attempts before Pha finally picked up and even then, he could tell Pha wasn't as thrilled by the phone call. "Hey Pha" Yo said once Pha was on the otherside "How are you?" Pha let out a small sigh, noticed by Yo, before he answered "I've just been really busy with work. There's a few big projects that need my urgent attention." Yo rolled his eyes, knowing full well that was a lie. Trying to keep his composure Yo replied "So is that why you haven't contacted me in the past 5 weeks? I mean I wanted to call you but the last time I tried it went unanswered so I thought you must have just been caught up with work."

Pha was frozen for a moment, had it really been that long since they last spoke to one another he wondered. He wasn't given a chance to respond when his husband's voice rang out again "I'm just calling to tell you that I won't be able to come home over the Christmas holidays as I have a lot of work to do with my masters. I know it's been awhile since we last saw each other but you know how important this is to me." Pha was worried that Yo was going to ask him to go over and visit him, but he didn't want to leave his family, mainly because he wanted to get May pregnant once again. Luckily, Yo didn't suggest that at all, in fact he specifically said that since Pha would be busy with these projects that maybe they spend this Christmas apart.

"I know it's hard living so far apart but we're both grown adults and this distance means nothing for the future we're going to have together" Yo said, although he was now the one lying through his teeth. He wasn't ready to tell Pha he knew about the affair and that he was going to divorce his cheating ass, not until he had everything in order. Yo spoke to Pha for another couple of before he abruptly ended the call, saying he needed to go see a professor about his work. Pha said goodbye to his husband, unaware that this would be the last time they spoke in such a civil manner.

While Pha believed Yo's story about needing to see a Professor Yo was struggling not to burst into tears and needed to go before he lost all self-control. The only good thing about this phone call is it assured Yo he was making the right decision in leaving his husband. Up until today there was a small part of him unsure if divorcing Pha was the right move but now he was surer than ever before. As soon as he ended the call Yo immediately called up a divorce lawyer and began the proceedings needed to divorce his husband. Yo had lied about needed to stay here over the Christmas holidays, mostly because he was too heartbroken to face Pha again, but this would now give him the perfect opportunity to surprise his partner.

Pha was too obsessed with his new family that he wouldn't see it coming until it was too late. Yo spent over an hour on the phone to his lawyer, going over everything related to this case but by the end of the call he felt a little relief that this nightmare was soon to be over. He knew he should call his parents and tell them what was going on, but he just wanted to spend this time alone until he felt he was ready to face them. Yo's parents loved him dearly and would never blame him for all this, but he knew his father wouldn't be happy. Mr Panitchayasawad would seriously come after Pha if he learned what he had been doing behind his son's back and despite him being a heartless bitch Yo still loved Pha and didn't want any harm to come to him.

During the first couple of weeks, after Yo had originally called his divorce lawyer, Yo was trying to keep up with his class work as he also worked on handling his upcoming divorce. The christmas holidays were only a few days away and Yo wanted everything organised as he planned to give Pha a Christmas he never forgets. The day before Yo was heading back to Thailand to surprise his husband Yo made a difficult call to his parents and reluctantly told them what was about to go down.

Yo had decided to video call his parents, so that they could both be there when he tells them the truth about his soon to be ex-husband. It took a couple of tries but eventually his father picked up the video chat and was surprised to see his son so deflated. It was the weekend, so his father was home from work and had been spending the time with his lovely wife. "Hey dad" Yo answered in a somewhat flat tone, as he didn't want to break down in tears in front of his parents, "Can you go get mum as I have something I need to tell both of you." Mr Panitchayasawad was a little worried about his son but nonetheless went to go grab his wife before they both sat down in front of the computer.

"What is it son?" Yo's mother asked, "Is everything ok over there?" Yo didn't know how to start this conversation so there were a few moments of silence before he was able to speak. "I'm only telling you this because I don't want you to find out from some stupid tabloid magazine or something stupid like that." His parents were curious as to what their son was going on about. Before either one could ask questions, Yo continued "A few weeks ago I received an email from some unknown woman who had confessed to me that she had been sleeping with my husband for the past couple of years. This May lady said it all started when he went on that 2-month business trip and that it had been going on ever since. Over the years she had given birth to 3 children and was heavily pregnant with their 4th."

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