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"I guess we need to work on that brief for Monday," Kelsey stated with a sigh, moving to key in the code at her apartment entrance, the door unlocking with a click. She switched the hand holding her phone up to her ear from her right to her left, as she listened to Mallory state her agreement but remain non-committal on exactly when they were going to work on their assignment.

As Kelsey began to climb the grey metal stairs towards the third floor, the thuds of her feet echoing through the stairwell, Mallory's voice droned on in her ear, detailing her plans for the weekend, including a date she has planned with a guy she met on Hinge.

"I expect to hear ALL the details," Kelsey laughed, as she opened the stairway door and stepped onto the third floor. When she turned to make the short trek to her apartment at the end of the hallway, she stopped in her tracks.

Standing in front of her door, a bouquet of roses in one hand, the other hand nervously running through his hair is Niall.

"Mal, I've got to go," Kelsey said quickly, hanging up the phone and dropping it into her purse as Niall's head snapped in her direction at the sound of her voice.

Three weeks ago, Kelsey left Niall on the rooftop of their Las Vegas hotel, telling herself that once and for all, that chapter of her life was done. There was simply nothing more that could be done. But clearly, Niall had left that day with a different perspective.

At the sound of Kelsey's voice, Niall turned his head around, his eyes meeting her shocked ones. His hands were shaking, just like they had been the entire drive to Stanford. 

He'd considered turning around at multiple points during his journey. Maybe it was because he feared he would be rejected yet again. Maybe he feared that all the sleepless nights he'd put in over the past three weeks would only get him a slammed door in the face. Maybe he feared that once again he would find the love of his life walking away from him. 

Even getting here, to the black and white chevron welcome mat in front of Kelsey's door had taken some work. He'd had to call in a favor with Becca, who seemed more than surprised to hear from him. But when he explained to her exactly what he had planned, she was more than direct him to Kelsey's building, on the notion that if he broke her heart again, Becca would be coming after him full force. 

"What are you..." Kelsey began, before shaking her head. "Come on," Kelsey said quickly, scanning the empty hallway and rushing to unlock her apartment door before pulling Niall inside.

Kelsey threw the door shut with a thud, before setting her purse down on the grey kitchen countertop. Niall doesn't even give her a minute to comprehend what is going on before beginning to speak.

"Before start to tell me how I can't be here, hear me out."

Kelsey gave a quick nod, adjusting the sleeves of her black blazer which now feels severely constricting. She set her hands on her hips expectantly, internally willing herself to stay strong once again in the face of Niall's temptation. She's not sure what more he could have to say at this point.

"In Vegas, you told me that being together meant you would lose everything and I wouldn't," Niall said, his voice strong and assured. "But you're wrong." He looked Kelsey straight in the eyes, her face remaining emotionless. 

Niall took a deep breath, because he knows this is it. This is the make or break moment, and the next few sentences he speaks could only be taken one of two ways. And one of those ways would result in Niall once, and probably for all, leaving Kelsey's life. "I've already lost everything. Because you are everything. YOU are my everything, Kelsey Benton and I'm not leaving here without you as part of my life."

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