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"I don't think I can do this," Kelsey said suddenly, her voice panicked. "I can't do it."

Niall jerked his head to glance over at Kelsey, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She was staring straight ahead, and he could only imagine the thoughts racing through that brilliant mind of hers.

"A little too late for that love," Niall laughed softly, setting his hand atop Kelsey's. "We're already here."

Niall turned the wheel, bringing his black Range Rover to a stop in the driveway. There it was. It looked the same as it always had; scattered stones covering the lower level, grey-blue siding, the messily-painted flower pot Kelsey had made in the fifth on the front step, its contents empty for the winter. It's the home she hasn't stepped foot in for over a year.

But Kelsey knows as much as the outside still looks like her childhood home, the inside certainly isn't going to feel like it. Thanksgiving dinner isn't going to feel like it either- not when she hasn't been to a holiday gathering since her parents split. Kelsey gulped, swallowing the sour taste that had begun to rise in the back of her throat.

Maybe they could turn around right now. They could rent out a cabin in the Rocky Mountains for the weekend instead, and spend Thanksgiving wrapped up in a heavy plaid blanket next to a wood-burning fireplace, watching the Colorado snow fall outside. Now that sounded like a Thanksgiving celebration that Kelsey could get behind.

"Kelsey, look at me," Niall grabbed her gloved hand from across the black leather seat, as if he had read her mind. "It's going to be okay. We'll do it together."

When Kelsey's father had called and invited her to come home for Thanksgiving two weeks ago, Kelsey must have still been on the high of the end of things with Capitol, because she agreed without hesitation, not considering what exactly that meant. When she'd asked if she could bring someone along, her father happily agreed. Now, Kelsey couldn't even imagine standing outside her front door without Niall by her side. She squeezed his hand firmly as her hand reached up to ring the doorbell.

Kelsey and Niall hadn't broken the news of his departure from Capitol yet. They were waiting for everything to be finalized with his new label; for everything to be in order before chaos resumed. Kelsey knew their struggles weren't over. They still had a long way to go. But at least for now, things didn't have to be a secret anymore. It was refreshing, really, to have one less thing to worry about.

When Kelsey's father opened the door, Kelsey half expected him to look like a mess. She'd pictured her father appearing in front of her with a head full of grey hair, a new set of wrinkles and a tired, sad glimmer in his eyes. Instead she was shocked when he answered the door. His face seemed younger, his eyes brighter, and she'd wondered if maybe she'd gotten this whole affair thing wrong. Could it be possible that her father was now happier than he had been for the past few years?

"Kelsey!" he exclaimed, bringing her into his arms. She inhaled the scent of his signature sandalwood cologne. When Kelsey was little, there was no better cure for a bad day then a hug from her dad. The feeling was no different at 25- his scent and warmth instantly calming her nerves. "How's my favorite future lawyer?"

"I'm good Dad," she laughed, any hesitance about coming here today instantly dissipating seeing the smile on her father's face.

Seeming to remember that Kelsey hadn't come alone, Paul Benton stepped back, reaching out a hand towards Niall. "And you must be the lucky gentleman who has the pleasure of dating my daughter."

"That I am," Niall grinned, his eyes glancing to the side to meet Kelsey's. "Niall Horan, sir," Niall shook Kelsey's father's hand firmly.

"It's nice to meet you, Niall. I'm so glad you could join us. I'm so glad BOTH of you could join us. I was beginning to think that THIS one," Paul Benton theatrically pointed at Kelsey, "was avoiding me." Kelsey forced a small, guilty smile. "Come in, I've just put the turkey in the oven."

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