The Art Of Suicide

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The Art Of Suicide

What is it going to be about?

It is a story of three young teenagers struggling to overcome obstacles in their daily lives.The struggles they face becoming too much for them leads in three different suicides, where in which are all connected in a certain way.

The suicides each being unique, intricate, and beautiful showing us the art of suicide.

A suicide not just being deadly and permanent but leaving others with sadness and the thought to try to stop this horrible fate from happening to others.


The Question is why live a life? Why live a lie?


Alas I'm gone she cried.


There's a lesson that really ought to be learned.


Zaiden Vaughn

Sixteen Years Old.

Life's too short for some, too long for others. Life is filled with accomplishments for some, and disappointments for others.

It seems that in my sixteen years life has gone in an unbearably slow pace,in the sixteen years that have felt like hundreds I have had disappointments upon yet more disappointments leaving me wondering why on earth do I have to go on?

Mum has made me speak to multiple phsycologist who all believe I'm suffering from depression. Hell no. I'm not depressed. I don't need to be all filled up with drugs, or prodded with needles, I don't need to be smothered with 'love' from people who really don't give a shit about me. It's simple.

My preference in being alone does not mean I am anti-social, I'm just being Zaiden, nothing weird about that.

Yet my mum does not believe anything I say, she insists upon all the appointments that I don't need, she insists on all these meetings that end in huge fights. Since

when has being shy meant that you're depressed?

It's stupid really, beyond stupid, way past insane.


That's exactly what this is all making me.

Mum thinks I'm depressed. Father thinks I'm over dramatic.

I'm not. But then again maybe, just maybe I am both.

It's weird they say I ask for too much, and yet say I ask for too little.

They say I spend all my time in the house, but they also say I spend too much time outside.

Is anything I do enough?

Mum has self diagnosed me with Bipolarity, OCD, and multiple other disorders that make me imperfect.


I don't need to be that.

There's no such thing as perfection, and trying to achieve perfection is impossible, unreachable for there is no exact definition for it.

But the concept for perfection is pretty cool and if it was possible I know I would never achieve it.

Maybe I am kinda depressed but at least I'm not suicidal.


Rain West

Seventeen Years Old.

Suicidal that is exactly what I am, heck I have attempted suicide twice in the past month. Never seemed to work, which you must have realized.

Suicide seems relatively easy. In theory. But it isn't. So many things have to work perfectly. Yet, they never do. Life has a way of being a bitch, and when you don't want to live it makes you live a long time, but when you do want to live it ends your life that much faster.

I am a complete failure, everyone has pointed that out to me, even suicide came as a failure to me. I know I'm not perfect. I'm far from it. I don't get good grades, I don't have many friends, I'm lazy, Im immature, I'm sarcastic, I don't do anything. Which seems to be the reason my parents hate me so much.

My life has always been difficult since a young age, I grew up in a poor family with no one really caring about me and life is still the same.

But fuck it, I'd rather be suicidal then me gay any day.


Jeremy Price

Sixteen Years Old

Gay. Faggot. Tranny. Homosexual. Nut Licker.

I've been called every single name in the book. As much as I tried to change who I am I can't. I've dated girls, it just was not for me. Guys are for me.

Calling me different names won't change who I am, as much as people try. My parents sent me to different churches, trying to get the gay out of me.

"It is a sin." My father says.

He does not blame me, but maybe that is worse because he expects me to change who I am. He is dead set that god had made a mistake when creating me. That he slipped up and only with repenting would I be able to fight it. It is bullshit though. I can not change who I am. I was born this way. It was no mistake.

I am no mistake.

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