A Secret for a Lie

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"He loves me." Even to my own ears I sounded unsure.

"He loves me." I said again with more confidence. Confidence that was not really there.

"Then why did he kiss her?" My best friend Alese asked. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, her make-up was smeared, and she had an oversized sweatshirt on over her dress.

"He didn't." I shook my head furiously trying to block out the lies my best friend was trying to feed to me.

"He did and you know it." At this point tears were spilling out of my eyes, and I tried my hardest to keep my breathing even.

"He would never do something like that. He LOVES me. He told me he did." I pointed out. These words reasurred me and stopped the tears. I glared at Alese, my eyes narrowed, arms crossed.

"He told you a lie, just so you could tell him your secrets. He was using you the whole time, how can you not see that." She screeched throwing her hands in the air.

"Get out." I told her coldly.

"Not until you believe me. Your my best friend." Alese mumbled. She walked over to me her blond hair swaying left and right with each step. I walked backwards trying to get away from her.

"Was your best friend." I corrected her. "I can't be friends with someone who is trying to hurt me."

"You are making a fool out of yourself. Everyone knows that he is a liar. How can you not see it as well. You know how many girls he's played, Rain. You're a toy to him, just like all the other girls." I covered my ears with my hands.

"GET OUT!!" I screamed at her pushing her towards the door.

"Your such an idiot." Alese stated her eyes puffed up and red, she clutched her heels in one hand.

"I can't believe I wasted my time with you." She shook her head sadly as I slammed the door in her face.

I sobbed loudly holding my legs close to me.

I wasn't the idiot. She was.


Damen Blue was the biggest player at Rosewood High. Keyword: Was. Rain Amber changed that, at least she thought she did.

She had never been more in love with another boy before. Damen's everything she has ever wanted in a guy, and more. He even has told her he loves her, only after she told him something about her that only her best friend knows.

So when rumors starts circulating about Rain, she blames Alese, her Best Friend, not wanting to believe that Damen could do such a thing. After all she did kick out Alese the day before after she claimed that Damen cheated on her. But Alese said she never said anything, after all the secret involves her as well.

But who's really teling the truth? And can a player ever really change?

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