The Potion is Made *edited*

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HOO. All characters belong to Rick Riordan except Amy.

Amy's P.O.V:

Sometimes, looking back now, I think how stupid I was. I should've destroyed the potion as soon as I realized what it could do. But past me didn't do that, partly because past me didn't know the chaos that that potion would cause in the future. By now, you're probably wondering what I'm talking about so I'll tell you. What you're about to read is how one silly mistake almost started a third war. Who knows, mabye if you find yourself in a position like what I was in then you'll be able to learn from my mistake and not repeat what I did. Let us begin.

That fateful day started out ok, no way for me to know that everything was about to go wrong. I had been tasked with creating a potion that would help other demigods with reading English as most demigods are dyslexic. Oh right, demigods are real. I'm one myself, my mother is Hecate. Hecate is the Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Ghosts, Necromancy and Crossroads. I had a mortal half-brother but he died in a car crash, along with my dad. That's why I stay at Camp Half-Blood, the camp for Greek demigods, all year round and love all my siblings. Apart from Circe, but then again, no one really likes her.

But anyway, back to the potion. I had just finished putting in the last ingredient, phoenix tale, when the potion turned green and moulded into about twenty small balls.
That wasn't supposed to happen.
Once again, this should've been a sign that things were going to go wrong. And they did, fast.

I quickly found my potion book and found which spell I'd created. And trust me, it wasn't a spell you wanted falling into the wrong hands. The next part of this story is the part where you can call me an idiot, and it's true. You've probably guessed by now that, instead of doing the right thing and destroying the potion, I did something stupid. If you thought that, then you would be correct. I panicked and hid the potion under my bed.
Yes, I know that was stupid.

I wanted to stop it falling into the wrong hands which, ironically, happened due to me not destroying it. This is what happened...

Connor's P.O.V:

Me and my brother Travis were just on our daily stroll, get it Stoll, stroll, you guys are such a bus kill but whatever, looking for new pranks when we heard noises coming from Cabin 20. We were curious so we went to investigate and I'm so glad we did.

We peeked through one of the windows and watched Amy, I think that's her name, practically tear apart her Cabin. While that was strange, it was the tiny little balls in her hands that caught our attention. And mabye the fact that she was muttering, "Must hide, must hide, cause chaos, must hide."
Now that definitely caught our attention. I glanced over at my brother and I conveyed the message, We need those balls!

So, we did what we do best, we stole the balls.
Get ready to be pranked Camp Half-Blood! The Stolls are in business!

Different Side Of Me《COMPLETED》*Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now