The Cure Is Used

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HOO. Rick Riordan does. I only own Amy Stargate and Sam Avery.

Reyna's P.O.V:

I was just setting up my next prank. It was going to be AWESOME! Some sucker would fall into the hole and then they would be coated in a thick sticky syrup. I dusted my hands off and admired my work.
This was going to be my best prank by FAR!!!
I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around. As far as I could see, there was no one in sight but I had a hunch that someone was here. My hunch was proven right as only seconds later someone stepped out of the bushes. I didn't get time to see who it was though because as soon as they appeared, they fired something at me. It hit my chest. I was knocked unconscious.

Percy's P.O.V:

I was still fighting with Leo but the crowd had dispersed. I know what you're thinking, surely the great Percy Jackson would have finished this puny boy by now but sadly no. This boy was turning out to be an interesting opponent, but no fear I will still thrash him. Just you wait and see.
You're going down, fire boy.
I was so preoccupied with beating my opponent that I didn't see the person behind me until it was too late. And by too late I mean that I only saw the person before they fired something at me. It hit my shoulder. I was knocked unconscious.

Leo's P.O.V:

Uh, why was this idiot taking so long to destroy.
I dodged Percy's punch and kicked him in the shins. Surprising, he didn't fall down.
Suddenly, Percy fell to the floor. That was weird. I hadn't hit him. I barely had time to look up before something came flying at me. It hit me in the face. I was knocked unconscious.

Annabeth's P.O.V:

I was currently hanging with the beautifulist girl at Camp. After me of course. Me and Drew were in a debate about who was better Justin Bieber or Shawn Mendes when Piper walked over. Apparently, she had become Drew's slave. I honestly couldn't care less. Besides thinking made my head hurt. Drew and Piper started fighting about how Piper hadn't called Drew Mistress. I was so occupied with my nails that I failed to notice the object flying towards me. It hit me in the back. I was knocked unconscious.

Piper's P.O.V:

I winced at Drew slapped me but didn't complain. I had been a bad girl, I deserved to be punished. Drew turned away and noticed Annabeth lying on the floor. Drew shrugged and walked away. I quickly got up to follow or I would've had I noticed the object heading towards me. It hit me smack in the face. I was knocked unconscious.

Clarisse's P.O.V:

I was SO happy, not that I'm not happy at other times but today I was extra happy. I had quite a few votes for my petition. I grinned to myself.
I would save those poor creatures.
Nico had left me to go and spread joy elsewhere but I didn't mind. He was helping in his way and I was helping in mine. Something hit the back of my head. I was knocked unconscious. My last thought was, Had I angered someone?

Nico's P.O.V:

I was just heading back to where I'd left Clarisse so we could finish getting our votes. I had helped Katie with her garden and I had tried to help Will but he didn't seem to want it.
Oh well, at least I tried.
I was just strolling through Camp, giving cheerful waves to everyone I saw when I heard something. An object was flying towards me. It hit me in the chest. I was knocked unconscious.

Will's P.O.V:

My bad mood had been worsened. That cheerful son of Hades had tried to help me but I scared him off.
I wonder if I made him cry. I hope I did.
I smirked, and then went back to my sulky move. I heard a noise behind me.
I turned around and yelled, "Fuck off."
There was nobody about as far as I could see. I narrowed my eyes. Suddenly, something came flying out of a bush. I didn't have time to dodge. It hit my leg. I was knocked unconscious.

Rachel's P.O.V:

I took a step back from my work. My room now looked like it should, minus of paint splatters and canvases. I can't believe I even owned them. I wasn't even a good artist, or so my father told me. And I always listen to my father. I straightened out my uniform and inspected myself in the plain mirror in the back of the room. My hair was in a low ponytail with no loose strands and my uniform was in perfect condition.
I didn't notice an object flying towards me. It hit me on my back. I was knocked unconscious.

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