Surprises on Olympus

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HOO.

Aphrodite's P.O.V:

Why is my bedroom pink?!
I waved my hand and the room became a dark grey colour. I was wearing a black biker jacket with grey jeans. I had to 'borrow' them from a store as everything I owned was pink or some bright, happy colour.
Gah! I hate pink, and any other happy colour.

I was already in a bad mood and Hermes knocking on my door did nothing to improve my mood.
My plan was to pretend I wasn't here but after the knocking continued for the next two minutes, that plan was scrapped.
Don't they know when to leave me alone?
I yanked the door and scowled, "What do you want?"
Hermes stared at me and then he sniggered.
"Is something funny?" I demanded, my already bad mood worsening.
"What is it?" Hermes asked through tears, "Fancy dress day for the mortals?"
I scowled at him again and then slammed the door in his face.

Hermes' P.O.V:

I waited another few minutes before I knocked again. And again. After another few minutes, the door was thrown open to reveal a very pissed love Goddess.
"What the HELL is your problem?!" She yelled.
I was taken aback. Not by her yelling but by her room. The usually bright pink, full of hearts room now resembled something close to Hades' room in the Underworld. Meaning very dark, gloomy and depressing.
She glared at me, "I asked you a question."
"I was just passing by and I wanted to see where you'd gone this morning," I shot back.

Aphrodite looked even more pissed off as she shouted, "That's why you wanted to see me. What did you expect? Me to give you love advice."
I was starting to get worried now, "Aren't you usually always pestering me about my love life?"
It was then I noticed the fact that she was wearing absolutely no makeup at all, not even a tiny bit of lipstick or eyeshadow.
"Right," I declared, "We're going to see the council."
A "NO!" followed and the door was once again slammed in my face.
Time to get Dad.
I turned and flashed into the throne room.

Almost all of the gods, minus Artemis, Dyionus and of course Aphrodite, were in the throne room.
"Everyone," I said, "We might have a problem."
No one listened to me.
Then I got an idea.
"Artemis likes Percy Jackson," I yelled at the top of my voice.
Zeus and Poseidon stood up and shouted at me, "Where the HELL is she?!"
"I was kidding," I shouted, "I needed your attention as I think we might have a problem. But seriously does it actually matter who Artemis likes or not?"
"Yes!" Poseidon and Zeus yelled together.

"What's the problem?" Athena asked calmly.
I started, "I went to see Aphrodite..."
I was interrupted by Hades, who now had a seat on the council as well as Hestia, "We really don't care if she tried to set you up with someone."
I glared at him and continued, "No she didn't try to set me up with anyone and that's my point, if you see what I mean."
Athena frowned and motioned for me to continue.
I did, "And that wasn't even the weirdest part, she wasn't wearing any makeup and she was in all black. Like a female version of Hades."
I recieved a death glare from Hades as Apollo muttered, "Now, this I have to see."
"You can go see her if you don't believe me," I said.

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