The Cure Is Made

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HOO. Rick Riordan does.

Hecate's P.O.V:

"We are so glad that you decided to help..." Zeus started.
I gazed around the room, everyone was acting normal. With the exception of Aphrodite and Artemis. Aphrodite was chewing gum and looking like she would be rather be anywhere else. Artemis was currently trying to escape Apollo's grip so she could probably snog Hermes, or anyone, senseless.
I interrupted the God of the skies, "I have a condition."

The other gods looked at me blankly so I continued, "If I help you, then you have to help me find my missing potion ingredients."
It definitely wasn't in my imagination that Zeus looked very relieved.
Nice to know that I'm slightly feared.
"Very well," Hera replied, "You help us, we help you."
"Swear on it."
It's always better to get a solemn oath.
Zeus grumbled but swore on it none the less, "Fine, I swear on the River Styx that if you help us, then we will help you find your potion ingredients."
Thunder rumbled, sealing the oath. I nodded and beckoned for Sam and Amy to follow me. We bowed and walked out of the council room.

Once we reached my palace, I immediately used my magic to set out the same ingredients that Amy used in her potion. Amy positioned herself next to a cauldron as Sam went and stood by the potion cabinet. I joined Amy and we started to make the cure. The trick to the antidote for the potion was that you added all the ingredients in the same order but backwards.
This shouldn't be too hard, and on the plus side I get to spend time with two of my children.

We spent the next 2 hours working on the potion.
Yes, I know. It took longer than I originally expected.
But it was only because one of the ingredients we needed was one of the ones that were missing. Luckily, Persephone was visiting so we told her about the stolen potion and she agreed to go and find the ingredient, it was a plant from her garden. But apart from that, everything when according to plan. So, two hours later we had an antidote. We only needed to test it.

Aphrodite or Artemis?
Eventually, we decided to use it on Aphrodite so we headed to her palace. Sam knocked on the door and we waited. Not for long though, as Aphrodite almost immediately threw open her door and told us to clear off and some other more colourful words that I probably shouldn't tell you. As you can imagine, we didn't 'clear off' and instead hit the love Goddess with the antidote. She collapsed for a second before getting up again and screaming at the top of her voice.

"Scream a bit louder, I don't think China heard you," I said, sarcastically.
Aphrodite stopped screaming and demanded, "Why the Hades am I wearing black?! Black?!"
"Well at least now we know that it works," Amy pointed out.
I nodded and flashed me, my children and Aphrodite to the council room.

Luckily, everyone was still there.
"Well?" Apollo asked.
"It worked," I replied.
Hera took one look at the horrified love Goddess and said sarcastically, "No, you don't say."
Apollo nodded towards Artemis who was still trying to escape her father's grasp. I then nodded to Sam who then threw the potion at Artemis. She collapsed like Aphrodite but was up only seconds later. She too looked horrified after finding herself in heels and a bit too revealing dress. Both Goddess then flashed out to change.
"Camp Half-Blood?" Hephaestus asked.
"Camp Half-Blood," I confirmed.
Once Aphrodite and Artemis returned, we then all flashed to the demigod camp.

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