Hecate Agrees to Help

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HOO. I only own Amy and Sam.

Hecate's P.O.V:

I was just adding the final touches to a potion I was making when the door was thrown open. I was so surprised that I dropped the bottle that I was pouring the potion into. I barely had time jump out the way before the potion hit the ground, sparsely missing my feet, shattered and then burnt a hole in the ground.
That was close.
I spun around to see who had interrupted my potion-making session and had caused me to lose a perfectly good potion.

I was mildly surprised, and annoyed, to see two of my children, Amy and Sam, yes I know the names of all my children, and Hermes walk in.
"Is the purpose for thus visit important? I was in the middle of doing something," I asked, slightly annoyed.
Hermes had the brains to move away after glancing at the hole in the ground, he also recognized my tone in my voice. Just to set you straight, I would never hurt any of my children but I was definitely going to hurt someone and as Hermes was the only other being in the room, it would most likely be him.

"Mom, I made a mistake with a potion..." Amy started.
If that was why she interrupted me, someone was going to get hurt. Hint, hint, Hermes.
But somehow I felt that there was more to the story, my children knew better than to barge in on me when I'm 'working'.
Amy continued, "I hid the potion after I saw what it could do but someone stole it and has been using it. They have hit at least half of the camp and Lady Artemis and Aphrodite."
I frowned, this doesn't sound good.


I listened carefully and only interrupted Amy once when I grabbed the nearest thing to hand, which happened to be my very big and very heavy spell book, and would've stormed off to kill Zeus after I heard that he threatened to to kill my daughter, and would've done had Amy not quickly jumped in and completed her story, and also stopped me from completing Zeus life. My mind strayed to the fact that some of my potion ingredients had been stolen over the past week or so but I brushed it off, it was probably a coincide. Sam asked me if I would help. I considered for a second.
Did I really want to get involved? Then, on the other hand, mabye if I help Zeus then he will get someone to help me find my missing ingredients.
In the end, I agreed to help and Hermes looked slightly relieved that I didn't seem to want to hurt him anymore. As me, my children and Hermes left my palace, all thoughts of the possible connection between my missing ingredients and this potion completely left my mind.

A/N: I don't usually do these often but I decided to do one now. As you probably can guess, the missing potion ingredients and the potion that the Stoll brothers have will be connected. How? You will just have to read on to find out. Also, I have been considering a possible sequel. I do have a few idea for what it could be about but I think I wait to see what my readers think. Review if you think I should do a sequel. I'll probably do it anyway but I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
~ Ellie

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