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Song: My tears are becoming a sea- by M83
(SUCH a good song)

Rogelio's POV

Someday, we'll all be gone.

Someday, the lights will go out and the world will go dark. All of our fighting will have been for nothing, all of our loving... for nothing. So why am I so scared? Why is it that when I sit at this table with the others, all I can think about is keeping him safe?

Why does he come to mind when Bow explains what's going on? Why, even though one day everything I know will cease to exist, all I want to do is make sure he's okay?

"It says they want Adora."

Bow sets the crystal that Kyle found on the table and his words bounce around my brain like a ball on a tennis court and pull me out of my scary and unnecessary thoughts. Adora herself winces a little, but not for long. She was obviously expecting this. Catra and Glimmer on the other hand, look livid. Who wants Adora?


Catra exclaims, her ears pricking upwards. Glimmer's mouth is hanging agape in shock. The other princesses look confused and upset, and Kyle is wearing a look of worry. I probably look serious as always, but inside I'm just as surprised as everyone else. Adora stands up, pulls out a small scroll of paper from her sleeve and rolls it out onto the table before us all.

The parchment itself is old and yellowed from wear, and the black mass of ink scrawled on top of it is unmistakably Adora's handwriting. Perfuma shakes her head and stands up, making some heads turn.

"Don't tell me you were planning for this?"

She asks. Frosta nods beside her, and I can't help but notice how different she looks since I last saw her as a young child. Adora sighs and starts to read the scroll.

"The messages we have received are from the first ones, most definitely. Their ancient code is identical to the codes found on She-Ra's sword, and the crystals that were used for the messages were formed at the same year as the ones found in certain parts of Mara's ship."

Mermista folds her arms.

"Adora, come on. The first ones have been dead for centuries."

She says. Scorpia shakes her head with a pained expression in reply.

"No. Entrapta and I helped Adora test the crystals. She's right."

I look down to Kyle and am somewhat relieved that he looks as clueless as I am. Despite the bonding and friendships that have formed over the past few years between us and the others here, we're still outsiders. Scorpia, Catra and Adora are the only ones who we can barely relate to.

Adora clears her throat and everybody reluctantly lets her continue.

"My whole life was built around the existence of the first ones. They could be my family, the ones who sent me to Etheria, or the ones who made it my destiny to be She-Ra. And..."

She pauses for a moment and takes a quick glance at Catra, who's watching her with all the worry in the world.

"They want me, and I want to find answers. I need to find answers. So-"

Kyle interrupts her, and makes everybody turn to him. My stomach squirms at the sudden attention.

"Adora, you can't go to them alone."

He says. Adora sighs and sits down.

"How did you know I was going to say that?"

She asks. Kyle shrugs and smiles a little in her direction.

"We grew up together, and giving yourself up to protect others is a very Adora thing to do."

Everyone nods and Catra places a hand over Adora's with teary eyes.

"No. Remember the war? You can't keep sacrificing yourself!"

She pleads. I can see the genuine love in her eyes and it almost scares me, because it reminds me of myself. The love in her eyes reminds me of Kyle. And what's even more amazing is that although she looks afraid, terrified, even, but her pure admiration for Adora has overpowered that fear. Her and Adora have been through so much... why do they deserve any more pain?

'We can't let Adora go on her own, if at all.'

I say. Kyle translates for me.

"He says we can't let Adora go. Not on her own, at least."

Bow nods and so does Glimmer, but Adora herself looks almost... mad.

"I get that you all want to protect me. It's sweet, and heartwarming, honestly it is. But I have to find out about where I came from."

She says. I sigh quietly. Classic Adora. Thankfully Perfuma comes to everyone's aid and tells her what we're all thinking-

"You have every right to want to know about your family. But we have to come up with a plan to keep you safe! That means waiting for more information from whoever this is."

Adora nods and Glimmer claps her hands and stands up with an anxious but warm smile.

"It's way too late for us to start planning, and I'm out of magic for today, so you guys can stay here for the night if you want to. We're going to start preparing first thing in the morning."

I look at Kyle and see how heavy his eyelids look. He smiles at me in what can only be relief. Everybody gets up and starts to talk amongst themselves.

"We're lucky I went on that walk this morning, huh?"

Kyle says, and I can only smile. Then his expression turns to sadness, or guilt of some kind.

"I get they want us to help because we're the only ones in the Waste, but..."

He looks around to make sure everyone is still chatting before leaning in a little closer.

"We're the only ones without powers. I mean, Bow has his arrows, and Sea-Hawk is a really skilled sailor. We have nothing except fighting. Everybody here is good at fighting."

I want to reply, but a hand on his shoulder distracts us both.

"You aren't useless, you know."

Catra says with a smile.

"I get what you mean. I don't have powers, either. My only skill is hand to hand combat, like you guys, with some claws and agility added in. But what if the princesses can't use their powers? What if something happens to She-Ra's sword? We're going to be there to save the day."

She smiles up at me before turning on her heels and going back over to Adora. I guess she's right. Within no time Glimmer has given us a room and we get into bed without bothering to change.

"You know, I'm proud of us. We stuck with the Horde our whole lives, fighting the good guys, but now we're helping them."

Kyle says. I nod and close my eyes.

We're good guys now.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

sorry if this is sort of crap but it has some important plot points in it so... please let me know if you see a spelling error, too! I haven't proofread this chapter.

-Rose 💗

Published: 4/06/2020

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