
343 19 13

Song: only time
by Enya

Kyle's POV

My back aches when I wake up, but not as much as my head does, the intense white light of the cell having never dimmed since we got trapped in here. I sit up and pat the two thick blankets I'm on, satisfied that they kept me warm at least.

Rogelio is on the floor next to me, curled up on both of the mattresses from our beds which he just about fits on. The bed frames themselves stand idle and empty, all of their metal bars and wires exposed.

I slowly slide my legs back so that my knees are in contact with my nose, and sink my fingers into my messy hair. My stomach growls in reminder that we haven't eaten in hours.

I'm not usually one for eating a lot, I forget to most of the time. If it weren't for Rogelio reminding me to get some meals into me everyday, I'd probably have starved ages ago.

'One, two, three...'

I recite numbers in my mind, hoping it will help with the anxiety, but it doesn't. Rogelio's arm slides across the floor and his hand is left resting on my foot, sending me into an old, forgotten memory.


I sat on the bench in the locker room, my leg stretched out before me. Rogelio was holding my foot, slowly rotating it to exersise my ankle and pushing it back to stretch the muscle I had pulled. Lonnie sat next to me and have me a nudge.

"You'd wanna toughen up, Rogelio won't always be there when you fall."

She snapped, obviously still upset from her argument with Catra. I rolled my eyes but Rogelio snickered a little as he pushed my foot back some more. When Lonnie stomped off to finish her argument, he slid over to me and pecked my cheek.

We were only twelve at the time, and I didn't know what love was. I didn't know that our bond was going to be irreversible since then, but I'm glad it was.


I force my eyes to open and loosen my unconscious grip on my hair. I know we've tried to get out a countless amount of times, and that that creepy lady is probably watching my every move, but either way I look up at the sealed off vent grates, their silver edges molten and fused into the wall. Some rustling next to me tells me Rogelio is awake so I turn back to him.

'Good morning.'

He grumbles. I smile at him and bend over to leave a small kiss on his forehead.

"Good morning."

I can see a fuzzy outline of everything in the cell reflected on the glossy wall opposite us, but I can't quite remember where the door begins or ends. Rogelio sits upright and looks at the wall too, obviously thinking about something similar.

"Is she gonna feed us?"

I ask, cradling my stomach. Rogelio shrugs and glares at where the door should probably be.

The woman with blue skin and white hair hasn't bothered us since yesterday, and I haven't even heard a single footstep since then, either. In the beginning I thought she was going to let us starve, but then I realised that she probably wants to use us as some kind of bribe.

But even then, the others don't know if we're alive...

'Stop worrying!'

Rogelio growls. I smile at him and let out a sigh.

"Why haven't I thought of that?"

I say. He opens his mouth but instead of his voice I hear a click coming from the wall. There's a couple of hissing noises before a slab of door slides open, and the woman who captured us stands smiling at us behind it.

"Good morning dears!"

She sings. I scrunch up my nose when she uses this pet name, but my expression soon shifts when I see the tray she's carrying.

There's four slices of bread on the tray, with a brown paste slathered on top of them, along with two glasses of what must be water. She sets the tray between us both and clops off almost instantly.

She pauses at the door and swivels to the empty bedframes, her eyes shaped like slits.

"I like what you've done with the place."

And with that, she leaves.

For a second I feel energy rushing through me, making me wish I could just run at her here and now and knock her to the ground, but a part of me knows I'm too weak.

Rogelio frowns at where she was standing, obviously confused, but I'm not really paying attention. All I can focus on is the food.

Without thinking I grab a slice of bread and lift it to my mouth, but Rogelio grabs my arm and stops me just as it meets my bottom lip.


He growls. I groan and he picks up a slice, too.

"I think it's chocolate."

I say. I sound annoyed, but I'm only agitated by my hunger. Rogelio nods and we bite into the bread at the same time.


Within minutes all of the food and water is gone, and nothing remains on the tray but crumbs and tiny water droplets that drip from the glasses. Ro smiles at me.

'We got fed.'

I nod and trail my finger around the tray for no reason in particular. Rogelio reaches over and uses his thumb to wipe a smidge of chocolate from my nose and I blush a little. It feels like old times.

Is it bad that I'm finding this slightly peaceful?

"It's probably gonna take them a while to save us. It took us ages, and we only had to map a route in the vents."

I say. Rogelio nods and squeezes my hand with a smile as a reminder that he's here with me.

"I still feel like this is my fault."

I grumble. He shakes his head and moves the tray so I can scoot over to him, and he wraps an arm around me so that were hugging sideways.

'It's not your fault.'

He growls.

'Nothing was ever your fault.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sort of boring, sorry, but I'm trying not to rush everything so it's kind of hard to do. In the end this will probably only be a short story, at the max probably something like 30 chapters give or take.

I was going to write a chapter about the others at bright  moon planning to rescue them, but I think it's better if I leave it as a surprise so that if they come at any stage, you'll be as shocked as Kyle and Rogelio!

-Rose 💗

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