
464 29 25

Song: Leon
by The Japanese House

Rogelio's POV

I carefully take the last of the glass shards from Kyle's skin and put it into the little dish next to us. He winces but tries to smile when I dab away the blood from his cuts. Guilt is the only emotion I can feel when I watch as his eyes become glossy with tears that threaten to fall.


I grumble. Nobody else can hear me because they're all busy talking and freaking out about what just happened. I don't really have time to freak out since I'm trying to stop my boyfriend's face from bleeding, but at the same time i'm still trying to process everything that we just experienced. Kyle shakes his head suddenly and reaches out to place a hand on the side of my face.

"If you didn't hit it, it would have hit me."

He says. I sigh and nod. He always understands me.

"I knew something was up when they made us dance! Why were we so scared? Why did we do what she said?!"

Glimmer exclaims, pacing back and forth from one wall in the room to another. Frosta is sitting on a chair, trying to catch up on what happened.

"It all went so... fast."

Bow says. I try to keep Kyle's attention on me, purely because if things get too heated he could zone out again. Although he did get through a fight...

"What're you thinking about?"

He asks, taking his hand from my face and propping his chin on it instead. I shrug and put the dish of bloody glass onto the table next to me.

'Just worried.'

He looks over at Scorpia, who's sitting with her elbows on her knees and her head bowed. Perfuma is patting her on the back.

"We'll get through this, all of us. We always find a solution."

He says to me. His voice is quiet, but still so loud somehow, lingering in my head long after he stops speaking. What he doesn't understand is that while i'm beginning to worry more and more about Catra and Adora, I want to worry about him.

I've never stopped trying to protect him since we were kids, but he's always so keen on handling everything on his own. I know he's his own person, and that he can protect himself, but there's something inside of me that drives me to putting him before anything else. Now that there's a big and more dangerous issue present, I'm worried that he'll get lost in his mind again.

I try to put my hands on my lap but instead I feel a horrible, sharp stinging sensation in my palms. I look at them and see big pieces of crystal sticking from them. Kyle's eyebrows rise and he instantly grabs the tweezers I was using to take the glass out of his face.

'You're hurt, it's ok'

I say, but he doesn't listen. He slowly takes hold of one of the spiky chunks and pulls it out. I squeeze my eyes shut with agony. This might just be most pain I've ever been in. He gently takes out all of the shards and wipes my hands, before wrapping some gauze and a bandage around both of them.


He smiles at me and pecks a small kiss my cheek before turning to the conversation happening in the centre of the room.

"We need to plan."

Frosta says. The others nod but Sea-Hawk shakes his head.

"But where do we start?"

Everyone looks around for advice and I do too. Nobody knows what to do.

"I don't think... I don't think our powers work in there."

Perfuma says. Glimmer nods and so does both Scorpia and Mermista.

"Yeah, I couldn't teleport."

Glimmer says. How are we supposed to get them out without magic? Bow frowns a little in concentration and sits at the table.

"We need to minimise the amount of people that to back there, so that we don't get caught. You guys, princesses I mean,"

He waves his hand in their general direction.

"Would probably be better off staying here. I promise it's nothing against you personally, it's just that I have my arrows, and Rogelio and Kyle are trained for this kind of thing. And if your kingdoms lose a leader..."

Glimmer sighs and sits next to him.

"You're right. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the boys have to go in there."

She says. My stomach flips and churns when she says this. Just us? With no magic?

"Sea-Hawk, Ro, Kyle and Bow... you guys feel up to the task?"

Mermista asks. She looks each one of us up and down with obvious judgement. Scorpia shrugs.

"I can go, too. I was also trained by the Horde. And hey-"

She pinches her claws together in the air.


"Five of us is a little too risky. We should split into pairs, it'll be much more efficient."
Bow says. Sea-Hawk sighs before talking.

"Scorpia can take my place. I would love the adventure... bot she's had much more combat training and experience than I ever did."

Scorpia smiles over at him and he returns the favour.

"Okay, so me and Scorpia will do it. Kyle, Rogelio?"

Kyle puts the roll of bandages in his hands onto the table and gives me a small smile before speaking up.

"We have to get Catra and Adora back. I'm in."

I nod to show that I'm in too. Perfuma claps her hands together in excitement and some flowers sprout up around her feet.

"Brilliant! Now we just need to come up with a plan."

I should be worried, I know. I should be upset about my two friends who were taken by that woman, and I am, really. But for once I'm feeling brave, and ready to fight for what's right, and It's a little... exhilarating.

But I know we can get them back.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Short chapter! I didn't want to make it too long since the last one was so long, and I just wanted to get this stuff out of the way before it gets all complicated. I hope whoever's reading this has enjoyed it so far!

-Rose 💗

Published: 6/06/2020

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