
578 29 13

Song: Green Jewels
By Kriill

Kyle's POV

We're all sitting at the big table again, ready to plan for the worst. I feel a little worried, but it's not too bad when Ro is next to me. Glimmer is more or less leading the discussion.

"We can't act until we know why they want you!"

She exclaims, half way through her protective argument with Adora, who frowns and folds her arms.

"We can try-"

She starts, but Bow cuts her off.

"No! We don't even know where this random person wants you to go! We have to wait for more information!"

They all start to argue some more and I smile at Rogelio, who's watching with a perplexed but equally amused expression. We've been watching from the sidelines for a while now.

"We can't spend all this time hoping that they give us instructions. We have to do something!"

Now Catra chimes in, her ears standing upwards when the others stop to listen.

"Adora, please, we just want to protect you!"

Aaaaand more arguing. They're talking so loudly that they don't notice Micah walking in with something in his hands.

Everybody who wasn't part of the full blown shout fest turns to him and he leaves a scroll of paper on the table before us and whispers something.

"This was on the doorstep for you guys."

Me and Rogelio move over to where the others are seated and read the paper with them while Adora and the others continue to blab.

A couple of frightening words flash before my eyes, swimming to the surface amongst the sea of first ones symbols.


Eventually the four of them stop giving out to each other and look over to all of us. They soon huddle around, also craning their necks to read the letter. Adora takes it into her hands and reads it, a stern look on her face.

"Dear Adora and friends..."

This first sentence isn't very assuring. Even though I only skimmed the page I have a really bad feeling about this message.

"I invite you all to a friendly ball in my ship. It will give me the time to get to know you all... and get to know my own Adora..."

Adora puts the parchment down and looks at all of us with a frown. Scorpia beams at us all.

"A ball sounds nice... maybe they genuinely want to get to know us."

She says with a hopeful glint in her eyes. My stomach squirms with nerves but I kind of agree. I've never been to a ball, only when we were sent to sabotage Frosta's princess prom... but I know they're used to show peace or to celebrate. Sea-Hawk scratches his head for a minute but then pipes in.

"Well, Adora, if you really want to know about this person this would probably be a good start."

A couple of us nod. I notice Rogelio isn't trying to say anything and I look at him to check he's ok, but it looks like he's just listening to everyone else's opinions first.

"Does it say where the ship is?"

Frosta asks. Adora picks the scroll up again and nods.

"They said it's on a mountain top over some desert... there's a city nearby but the ship is on an area of red sand."

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