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Song: The Night we Met by Lord Huron


Kyle's POV

Nobody knows about last night except me and Rogelio. I don't want anybody to know, and Rogelio couldn't tell anybody even if he wanted to. If the others can feel the tension between us, they don't say anything. We're too busy trying to plan how we're going to save Catra and Adora.

"Okay, so this is the route that Scorpia and Bow are going to take, and this is the way that Kyle and Rogelio will go."

Glimmer explains, running her finger along the map of the vents, tracing over thick and blindingly clear routes drawn in sparkles. The four of us nod. I can taste blood coming from my lip because i'm chewing it so much, and my shirt is crumpled in my fist beneath the table, but I don't let Rogelio see. Not until he at least tries to listen to my explanation. I'm not sure how i'm going to get through tonight in a tiny vent with him, alone.

"What are we supposed to do when we get in there?"

Bow asks,gulping at the blueprints.

"If you follow the directions mapped out-"

Perfuma starts.

"It should leave you in the room where Catra and Adora are being held. You have to go in opposite directions in case... in case there's any setbacks."

Mermista frowns at the table.

"So... they just bring them back through the vents the way they came?"

I want to block out the conversation to calm down, but unfortunately since i'm a key part to the mission I have no choice but to listen. Scorpia nods at Mermista and pats me on the back lightly.

"We can do this."

(Time Skip- evening)

"Second left, third right, left-"

I mumble, resting my head on my knees with the list of directions clutched in my hands. I'm sitting on the floor of a guest room in the palace, with my back resting against the bedframe behind me. Rogelio is on the other side doing the same.

The more I look at the sheet of paper the more blurred the words and arrows become. Letters swirl into meaningless symbols and arrows flip so that they don't make sense anymore.

I turn a little to look over the bed. I can see the back of Rogelio's head, bowed down, obviously trying to learn off our route to follow in the vents.

"Can you please just let me talk?"

I ask. My voice sounds out of place after all the silence. He turns to me with a frown before turning back to his paper.

"I just wanna tell you what happened! It was all so blurry-"

He turns to me again with an even bigger frown so I stop talking and try to read the paper again. Second left, third right, left... I'm useless at this.

"What if something goes wrong and we can't save them?"

I ask. I'm not expecting an answer, but Rogelio responds.

'If we follow the instructions, we will.'

Maybe this was a dig at me, but I'm just glad he actually tried to communicate. I rest my head back against the bed and close my eyes in an attempt to memorise the words a little better, but nothing helps.

"I didn't know what I was doing until I was in the ship."

I mumble, my eyes still closed. I know he won't answer, but at least he can hear me.

"Once I was in there, the only way I wouldn't get caught was to follow the guard. I knew there were more coming behind me."

I hear him moving a little but he doesn't try to say anything, so I sigh and hold the directions in front of me again.

Third left, second right- No, that's not it. Second left, third right-

Somebody knocks on the door and Rogelio opens it almost immediately, obviously desperate to get away from the tension. Bow stands at the door with both of our staffs in his arms.

"Hey guys, I hope you don't mind Glimmer getting these, you sort of need them."

I smile and take one from him. Rogelio does the same.

"Thanks, and it's no problem."

I say quietly.

"We're going to meet up outside in ten minutes."

Bow says, and jogs down the corridor. I turn to Ro and begin to say something, but then realise that I've said enough, and he's probably sick of hearing my voice now. So I stay quiet.

Instead, we silently walk down the long and empty hallways to the garden, ready to begin our mission.

Our mission to rescue Catra and Adora.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hi! I know this was a really short filler chapter (quite boring) but I couldn't just jump into the mission without showing some of the preparation before hand.

Next chapter will have a lot of work put in and will probably be quite long to make up for all of the boring stuff, so it might take a while to update!

-Rose 💗

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