twenty six *

363 17 18

*This chapter not necessarily important for the plot of this story!

Nothing too graphic but it gets steamy! Also it's implied what happens after the chapter so I won't actually write it.

If you skip it you won't miss anything, so feel free to if you aren't comfortable.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Song: stuck with me (slowed)
Using this song again cause it fits the tone I think!!

Kyle's POV

"By the power of Grayskull!"

I whisper shout. The sky outside is completely dark and everybody else in the castle is either asleep or in their rooms. The air is silent but not too silent, the odd sound of birdsong and rustling of trees making appearances.

Rogelio stares up at me from where he's sitting on the bed, his expression a cross of admiration and excitement. I scratch the back of my neck and put the sword down, still feeling weird as He-Man. Despite feeling weird, however, I have a new confidence. A new drive.

"Astra took so much from us. Our home, even our freedom for a bit... but she couldn't take us away."

I say, my heart beating faster and faster with each passing second. Rogelio nods and I notice his eyes traveling from my feet up to my face quickly but obviously.

'You're stuck with me.'

He growls. I smile at him and look over my shoulder towards the door, making sure there's nobody there. As expected, there isn't. When I turn back to face him, Rogelio smirks at me. We don't have to say anything to know where this is going.

"I dunno about you, but something about everyone being safe, and about us being free from Astra is making me really happy."

I say, moving closer to him. It feels unfamiliar to be taller than him, but there's something really exciting about the new confidence that comes with it.

'Me too.'

Rogelio says. I look over to the door again and smirk back at him when I realise that we have the whole night to ourselves. He looks me up and down again and that's enough to send shivers around my whole body, pushing me to climb over to him. He tenses when I lean in to his neck and attach my lips to his skin, planting kisses down to his shirt collar.

"This is usually your job."

I say quietly with a snicker. He laughs a little, only making me want to do more.

'What about your shirt?'

He says, eyeing my torso. When I take it off and throw it with my cape onto the ground I can't help but smile at his reaction. I've gained quite a few muscles in the transformation on my arms and legs, but they're most prominent in my stomach.

Rogelio pulls his shirt off too and suddenly I'm even more driven than before, wrapping my arms around his neck in seconds. My skin tingles where our bare chests brush against each other, but it's nothing compared to the shivers that course through me  when he runs his fingers through my hair.

I start to giggle, something that usually happens in these scenarios, and Rogelio starts laughing too, so we have to try our best to be as quiet as possible given it's the middle of the night.

Somewhere between the giggling and hugging Rogelio finds his way on top of me, leaving small love bites in a trail from behind my ear right down to my collarbone. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing or letting out any other questionable sounds while he keeps at it, sending waves of pleasure through my veins.

"These better dissapear."

I whisper, tracing the marks with my fingers. Rogelio smirks and continues down my stomach, making me squirm with excitement, but in seconds I can feel myself sleeping away.


I say quietly, transforming back into Kyle before I can stop it from happening. Rogelio smiles up at me and shakes his head.

'I fell in love with you, not He-Man.'

I go red from embarrassment but really I'm just happy, elated even, to have Rogelio here with me. Despite all the odds, all the obstacles that were thrown at us, we're here now, together, and that's all the I need to know to keep me sane right now.

I reach up to my neck and glare at a smirking Rogelio when I find that the hickeys are still imprinted in my skin, but eventually I'm smiling down at him again.

"Just like old times."

I whisper. He nods and allows his hands to find mine, squeezing them gently and making me giggle silently again.

'Just like old times.'

When he leaves a kiss under my bellybutton there's no need for any more words.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

😳😳😳 Y'all know what happens next

-Rose 🌞

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