twenty two

301 17 5

Song: It happened quiet
by Aurora

Rogelio's POV

Sunlight pours in from the window above my head and floods into the room, making everything in it's path sparkle and glow. I sit up slowly and scratch my head. I didn't bother to out the blanket over me last night, so the bed is still made perfectly. I run my hand over the smooth material and stand up.

Just as I start to yawn the door swings open, revealing a distressed Lonnie. Her eyes are bloodshot and her hair eyebrows are creased in a way that makes her look confused.

"Rogelio- they- she-"

I run over to her to give her a hug but she grabs my arm and pulls me after her down the corridor at full speed. I run with her and try not to overthink why she could be crying.

Everybody stands at the end of the corridor with pained looks, but nobody says a word except for Glimmer.

"Everybody hold on."

And we do. I'm so confused, so disturbed by the sudden shift in moods, but once we arrive to our destination it all becomes clear.


Clouds of dark smoke waft out of the valley and into the air, caking the rubble down there with a thick layer of ash. Everything is gone, destroyed.

My home is gone.

All of those people, our old neighbours, our friends, are gone.

Lonnie falls to her knees and I stand behind her, both of our eyes trained on our old home. The tears start falling before I can register them, trickling down my neck and making my shirt collar damp.

The princesses and our other friends are behind us, watching the scene, but nobody tries to bother us. I sit next to her and a confused imp crawls to my lap and clutches to my shirt while I shake my head over and over again, hoping it's not really gone, hoping that all those people aren't really dead.

But they are.

"She destroyed it all..."

Adora whispers, walking to the edge of the cliff and looking down into the mess.

We sit for what feels like hours while the others try to talk to each other in hushed tones behind us. After a while Imp leaves me for Lonnie and I stand up. Scorpia pats my back.

"I'm so sorry, Rogelio."

I nod and look down at the wreakage once more, but I'm interrupted by an excited Frosta.

"Look, over there!"

She exclaims, pointing in the direction of where the ship would be. I turn to face it, expecting a guard, or even Astra herself, but what I'm looking at it much stranger.

A boy, a young man, who must be at least eight feet tall is walking towards us, dragging some kind of sword behind him. His hair is tight but still somehow flowy, and the outfit he's wearing resembles only one I've ever seen before. She-Ra's.

"Who are you?"

Adora says, but as she does so he starts glowing, and shrinks to a significantly shorter height.

When he comes closer, I recognise him instantly.


Kyle limps over to us and drags the sword behind him, obviously in pain. He hands the sword to Adora and falls to the floor.

I rush over to him and try to speak, but he croaks out something before I have the chance.


He says, and his eyes close.

I start to panic, not sure what just happened, or how he got out, but the others remain calm enough to formulate a plan.

"We need to get back to he castle."

Somebody says. I hold Kyle to my chest and in the blink of an eye we're back at Bright Moon, and I'm in the middle of the war room floor with an unconscious Kyle in my arms.

I have out relieved but terrified breaths.

"Oh no, his leg!"

Perfuma gasps. I look down to his leg and feel myself go tense.

Blood is flowing at an alarming rate from his thigh, where there's a huge gash. It looks like it was cut by something extremely sharp, like glass or metal, and the thought of how much pain he must be in makes mepre upset than I would have anticipated.

"Adora, figure out what that sword means."

Glimmer says, staring at the open wound. She places her arm gently onto mine and another to Kyle's forehead, as though she's comforting him in his slumber.

I try to calm myself but as I'm slowing my breaths I notice something strange. The gash on his leg, despite how big it is, is slowly closing itself with a slightly golden shimmer. Glimmer's eyes widen and we share a confused look, before the others crowd around us.

Kyle sits up suddenly and coughs out a dry breath, making everybody jump. He grabs the space on his leg where the cut was and frowns up at me.

"Kyle? What happened in there? Was that She-Ra?"

Lonnie asks, kneeling before him. He massages his temple and closes his eyes.

"I want to explain everything, I do, but my head..."

Bow offers his hand to help him stand up. When he stands, we each hold one of his arms and help him stand.

"He needs rest. Tomorrow, we'll discuss everything."

Bow says.

As Kyle's head falls onto my shoulder, the Princesses let out a collective sigh.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Let me know if there were any mistakes! I know it was sort of boring but again it was an important one :)

-Rose 🌞

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