eleven pt. 1

439 28 20

Song: Mystery of Love
by Sufjan Stevens

Kyle's POV

Moonlight seeps in through the windows perched high on the walls and rests on top of all of our heads. Despite getting the plans of the ship, and splitting us off into pairs, our plans to get Catra and Adora back haven't been developed very far, and everybody is getting restless.

"This must be where she's keeping them."

Glimmer says through a yawn, pressing her finger down on one of the sheets Entrapta gave us. 

"There's only two other areas; the cockpit and loading dock, and this sort of bedroom thing that can only be hers."

Nobody feels awake enough to respond. With every passing minute the knot in my stomach grows tighter and tighter, worsening when I think of Catra and Adora and what could be going on in the ship, and it annoys me a little that we can't just storm in there to get them.

"I really hate to say this, and I know we can't waste our time, but we need to sleep. We can't stay up all night while we're exhausted."

Scorpia says, gently taking a sleeping Frosta into her arms. Despite being fourteen years old, she looks like a small child in Scorpia's strong embrace. I don't want to give up, but unfortunately the others in the group seem to disagree. Do they know what's at stake here? Although getting this moody is making me think that maybe I do need to rest...

"Okay, yeah. I think you should go back to your kingdoms for the night, just in case she tries to pull anything. Frosta can stay with us."

Bow says. 

And so after a couple of trips with Glimmer, we're all back home, ready to protect our kingdoms and cities against the eerie ship on the hill.

I turn on the lamp in our bedroom and kick m shoes off into the corner of the room.

"I feel useless sitting here. Catra and Adora are literally just over there!"

I sigh, falling backwards onto the bed. Rogelio shrugs and does the same.

'If she wanted to take them, the ship would have flown away the second we left.'

He says, but I'm still scared. It's sort of satisfying to hear his voice after a long day of planning, but the satisfaction doesn't last long, given that I'm still an anxious wreck deep down. Some things never change. Rogelio rolls to his side and brushes a loose strand of hair from my eyes to behind my ears.

"I don't like this. We can't just sit here and do nothing."

I croak out. My skin feels hot when his hand leaves my face but he reaches out for my own hand instead, and when our fingers intertwine I feel the knot inside loosen.

'We have to work with the others. It's not our call.'

He grumbles. 

"Nothing was ever our call."

These words come out as a quiet whimper, but he hears me.

'Just... try to sleep. We can go through everything tomorrow.'

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, trudging over to where our staffs are propped up against the wall. When my fingers skim the cool metal rods I feel a small shiver that travels around my body. I remember when we used to train with these, and we used to stick them into robots and through the heart of holograms. I messed it up a lot, but somehow I still managed to build skill. I guess I owe most of that to Rogelio. Maybe I owe it to him now to listen to what he's trying to say... but I still think it's wrong.

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