Meet the Family

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This is how I pictured madam Paige work suit ... cute no

Never have I ever met the in laws



I adjusted eyes to the bright light, it was morning already.

I wonder why Mari didn't wake me, he usual wouldn't miss the chance to whack me in the head with a pillow.

Then reality sunk in I was in my boss's penthouse.

And he was still sleeping no surprise there.

I better call my friends and check in on them.

"Shoot" I tried to whisper my battery is dead .

And I don't have my charger damn it I can't just leave I'm practically at work already.

Okay I'll explore a bit and while I'm at it maybe I'll find a charger .

Yeah.... sounds like great plan? Right just then my stomach growls.

Great another problem where am I going to get food.

I'm gonna think of something right now I gotta find a charger.

I quietly tip toed out of Paxton's room and into the corridor, there was four doors on this hall.

I had just come out from the first one, the second one was a huge study.

Painted in dark blue and grey, and filled with state of the art office equipment.

The room was dimly lit, but there was for sure a huge desk with papers scattered on them.

I gave the room a quick scan but there was no charger or anything useful.

The third room was just what looks like a guest room because everything was untouched.

The last room was a gorgeous bathroom, it sparkled everywhere as sunlight touched everything.

I headed for the cabinet above the sink, and again no charger, but there was some aspirin.

I grabbed the bottle and held it in my hand, I figured that Mr Hale would need it once he woke.

Before I left I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked wrecked my hair was all over the place.

I had on no make up all though I didn't need it, and to add on I had on the same clothes as yesterday.

There was no way I was going to been seen like this,I let down my waist length hair.

And tried hand combing it till I was satisfied, I quickly wash my face and left.

Out of the hall I finally came to the kitchen, as if on cue my stomach growl again.

I proceeded to whip up some pancakes from stuff left in the cupboard.

I felt like a burglar going through this penthouse, I felt guilty.

After eating just a little I brought the aspirin, some food and orange juice back to the room.

I let out a heavy sigh with a place this big you could have at least one charger.

I made up my mind I was leaving I dont care if I get fired I need to go home.

Just when I turned to leave Paxton's hands grabbed mine, "what the hell happened" he staggered.

I hastily gave him the aspirin and orange juice that I brought .

The migraine he must have right must be intense.

He sat up I keenly listen as I tried to explain what had happened.

How he got insanely drunk because of a deal the eventually came through.

Actually I thought the whole situation was hilarious he go miserably drunk for no reason.

I tried to explain to him that I needed to leave but he insisted that I use one of the spare rooms,while he sort himself out.

Finally I give in, I picked up my purse and went into the spare room.

How badly I wanted to shower even though all of this was awkwardly embarrassing.

Having a shower in your boss's penthouse, I pushed away all the thoughts and step into the shower.

It wasn't until I came out that I realised that I have no clothes.

Goddammit today is just a really really bad day.

Wrapped in a towel I peeked through the bathroom door just to make sure the coast is clear.

Thankfully there was some clothes on the bed already. Nothing fancy just a business suit.

Along with some underwear and other products including hair and makeup. Finally a hint of luck.

I didn't want to be here long, heck Mr Hale probably wants me out .

In the shortest possible time I pulled my self together. Now I'm gonna go try to get today off.


My plan failed miserably, we instead spent the whole day working from the penthouse.

We had some interesting conversations, I even saw him smile for a bit.

Right now we were on our way to Mr Hale's actual house.

Apparently the penthouse was only used when he is too tired to drive home.

And when this errand is done I would get to go home.

Seated in the front passenger seat, I unconsciously admired him.

Only getting a side view his jawline was chiseled to perfection.

His blank but sexy expression as his grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"Hey thank you for what you did, I know that's not your job, but because of you the deal was close and I didn't embarrass myself."

" I'm sorry you said what ,  I did what , the deal closed because of me" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah I got the call earlier they said that they were so impressed by your professionalism that they signed the contract, so yeah...thank you" he added eyes still on the road.

"Glad to help" I responded with a smile. The rest of the ride was painfully silent until we arrived.

Describing the architecture of this house was too much to say.

We had just pass the outer gate that surrounded the whole property.

The road split into two then joined up again with a fountain in the middle.

Butlers I guess came and open our doors "Welcome home master
Hale "

"Stand easy George I told you, you don't have to call me that," Paxton chuckled .

George acknowledge my presence with a nod before turning back to Paxton.

"Sir duely be noted that you have visitors," Paxton face immediately straighten.

But before I could figure out what was happening the door opened.

"Paxton is home " a gorgeous middle age woman shouted then get eyes got mine.

And a smile filled her small face " And he brought a girl " she shouted even louder.

I without getting a chance to explain six new faces emerged at the door.

Oh brother now I get it this will be hard to explain.

Are you guys ready to meet the family officially .....

Sorry for the huge time skip it the story I wanted to show you that part in Paxton pov.

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