Girls trip

23 1 6

Never have I ever went guilt shopping

Dedicated to firstqweenmoore thank you for your support .


"Jesus bloody Christ what happen to you we were just about to call the police ," Carol screamed

"Yeah you go to work and never come back how are we suppose to know if you're alive" Mari chimed in.

Their voices were now yelling but to be honest I wasn't even paying attention.

It took awhile for them to realise that my face was filled with tears.

Guilt, shame and confusion washed over me , my heart ached but why?

I've never felt this before this attraction ...boys were just usable objects in my mind .

Silence pierced the air of our apartment,  until I slammed my bedroom door shut.

I didn't have the energy right now to do anything. I guess I'll have to explain it tomorrow.

I slipped out of all my clothes, and just layed in the bed .

My thoughts were all over the place ,  I couldn't sleep . I screamed in frustration and took a xantax.

Sleep eventually came and I more than happily welcomed it, anything for this to be over.


Blair come here young lady, what did I tell you about leaving your clothes out like this I argued .

A little girl with hair like mine and eyes like Paxton... could it be?

"Here princess tell your mom you're sorry and go get ready for school" Paxton's voice rang from beside me.

My face brighten, completely forgetting why I was upset. I spun on my heels and faced him.

"You always spoil her you know," I complained.

"That's just cause she's just like you " he chuckled and came in for a kiss.

The room shifted, I was no longer in his arms , but I found myself in a bathtub.

Totally soaked in blood,my wrist both cut and my face stained with tears , I was already drifting.

A piercing scream filled the air , it was a cry of the same little girl from earlier.

Not long after Paxton came along "how could you ?" was all he said.

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry


My eyes forcefully opened , it was just a dream . A really bad dream , no one knew my past not even Mari and Carol.

I shake those thoughts out my head, I'm going to have a good day today.

If anything good came from last night it was my day off.

I showered and brushed my teeth, and hopped into a over sized tee.

It took about 30 minutes to get over this totally crazy story to my friends.

Of course they were jerks and laughed right in my face , but I knew they cared.

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