What the hell happened?

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"Baby , what are you doing up come back to bed,"

Ugh her voice annoys me, screw her for thinking she's worth something.

The only reason she's here is because my arrogant father refuses to allow me to live my life.

"Go back to bed , don't worry about it ," I answered without emotion.

"But," she attempted to speak

"Look, Angela I said I'm fine ,now leave me alone ," I cut her off.

I abruptly got up , so badly not wanting to be around her anymore.

I wandered my house until I ended up at a place where I've come to love.

The patio over looking the garden , the very one where we took our first kiss.

My mood instantly shifted to a happy as the thoughts of Paige flooded my brain.

It's been 7 months since I last layed my eyes on her , but it feels like an eternity.

I should have protected her , if it wasn't for me she'd still be alive , it's my fault she's gone.

Tears strolled down my cheeks ,and as quickly as my smile came, it was replaced with a frown.

Reality setting it, she's gone and she isn't coming back .

I got ready to work to take my mind off things , I'd be gone before , Angela woke up and I'd purposely ignore her when I returned.

It has been like this for the 3 months since we both made that dreadful arrangement.

That we'd date for 6 months , just so that my father doesn't interfere with my business.

I would never allow him to take my business away from me , it's the only other thing I cared for , that and her.

The drive to my company was boring as usual , then the atmosphere would shift when I entered my office.

I chanelled all of my anger in to work and it would radiate off me , so much that everyone could feel it.

I never smiled and I'm always serious,  my employees would fear coming around me though none of them knew why.

My business deals became ruthless , know one would dare cross me. They knew better , so they did better.

I refused to have another personal assistant,  no one would replace her. Her spot would remain unclaimed.

Today I had a huge business deal to close ,  I was dealing with the infamous Sherlock Carter.

The owner of the biggest oil machinery production company in the world ,  an could be a huge asset of mine, but the problem is he doesn't normally sign deals.

But it will be a mistake to say no to me , you've got to be crazy to do so.

On that thought he ever so smoothly entered my office, standing at probably 6'7 almost as tall as me.

I hated the smug look on his face , there was something that doesn't sit right with me.

I offered him to take a seat , but he  rejected . Guess he's too high and mighty to sit here.

"No, need this meeting will be short  , my time will not be wasted ," he boldly stated.

"Let's see , you wish to make a deal with my company,  yes , the way I see it my company doesn't need this deal but you do , so tell you what, I'll give you a test try if I like what I see , I'll consider."

"Until then ta ta," was all he said before leaving.

The nerve of that guy , his ego is bigger than his brain, but I hate to admit, he's right, we do need his company they have the best machinery around.

I already don't like him , he's going to be a problem, I  refused to allow him to walk away like this.

Ugh I couldn't think straight all day , hell I almost crashed on my way home.

All that I kept thinking about was that stupid egotistical jerk. Thinking he's better than me who does he think he is .

I was boiling with anger , let's see who we're really dealing with .

I opened the Google search app, and punched in his smug name . But all they told me was what I already know .

Sherlock Carter , billionaire,  26 year old , successor of William Carter, taking the oil industry by storm . Love life unknown. 

It's all irrelevant to my cause , the next possible search is something more common,  Instagram.

Let's see, a couple of business pictures , family , yada yada yada.

Then something caught my eye , a ever so familiar face , it was her , she's alive.

There she was , glowing, something was different , posted up next to this jerk.

Then I saw the caption "I love her already" what in the world.

A million questions ran through my mind .

Why was she with him?

Why didn't she look for me?

Are they together?

I couldn't decide on a emotion, it was so hard just seeing her again.

I've got to find her , Paige I'm coming.

Hey friends it's me hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What did you think of the new character introduction ?

Who is he to Paige ?

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N/B school has restarted so updates may be slower

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