Chapter 1

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I stride through the shadows of Mirkwood. If you had heard the legends, then you will know, that no living soul would dare to enter that poisoned forest. Except me, the wood elves and some thick and voracious spiders. We know how to enter and leave the forest, any other creature would be lost, forever and be prey of the stupid spiders I had the pleasure to meet more than once. 

I am Merenwen, guardian of this cursed forest called Mirkwood. I am a shape-shifter, sadly a legend to Middlearth, a tale who parents tell their children at night. I can shift in any form you want. No really, you say and I will shape shifting. You maybe think it's cool. But the reality is, that everyone, who ever saw me, ran away in fear. I gave up to make an effort to show, that I am no harm. I am alone and will be alone for the rest of my life. An ugly truth. 

I am sitting in my bird-form on a branch of tree. The most common form of me, because I can fly and spy around without being caught from someone. Sometimes I fly on the top of the forest, just to enjoy a few minutes the sun rays shining down directly in my face. It is a very welcoming change from the dark and stupid noise of the overly annoying spiders out there.

Out of a reason, today I decided to shifting in the form of a beautiful lady with long braided hair and a dress like an elf. I walk through the forest as suddenly I hear voices. Moans and groans. I shake my head in disbelief. They are making so much noise, don't they know, that out there is lurking the possibility of their death? Have they to make such a fuss?

I'm getting curious, who that might be and I sneak up without a sound. And there I see them. A bunch of dwarves and a hobbit walking in circles. They seem very hungry and dehydrated. And on top of that, something like high. You know, like when you ate mushrooms, you better not ate. This was the effect of the forest, when you came down from the path. I had to chuckle because they all seemed drunk and brabbled to each other. They even almost started a fight against each other. "Stop!" Yelled the one dwarf with some white strands in his dark hair. He had to be the boss of all. "We have to find the path!" he yelled. I chuckle. "You little fools, you will never find it again. Before you do so, you will be the supper of the stupid spiders." I said more to myself. I contemplated if I should help them but remained still behind my tree to see what further would happen.

I look up and see the spiders had spotted them too. Uh oh. Now it's time to prepare for a fight against those stupid creatures (sorry, I really don't have another better description for those creatures, if you have one, I'm pleased to know, they are really stupid!). I begin to be nervous. It's not all day, that I spot thirteen dwarves and on top of it a hobbit (how I heard, they never trespassing the boundary of the shire). I have to find out why they're here and where they want to go. The first spiders attacked them already and wrapped the first five dwarves in their web and hanged them on the tree. The others were screaming apalling and fight for their dear life. But they didn't suceed and ended like the other four in a bunch of web and hanged head-down the tree. I sigh. I stand beneath all the dwarves and look above. "Well, it's up to me, is it?" I talk to myself. Suddenly I feel a hand strike mine and I startle. "Who is it?" I hiss and as answer I hear two feet run away from me. I look in the direction but all I see is only footprints on the ground.

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