Chapter 4

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Couple weeks after Willhite died, Atwater was bought up from patrol

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Couple weeks after Willhite died, Atwater was bought up from patrol. Times were tough and of course everyday each of them had a wave of missing her but life had to go on and that it did.

Jay walked into the break room and found Erin pouring herself a coffee "That's stuff meant to kill you apparently, read an article online"

Erin slammed the coffee jug down and starting pouring sugar in "Well that's the last thing on my very long list of things to be concerned about"

Jay grabbed a coffee mug and extended his arm, she looked at him and raised an eyebrow "Please?" She rolled her eyes are him and then poured the coffee.

"So Kaitlyn was asking about you" Erin said.

"Oh yeah, tell her I say hi" Jay said as he pulled his arm back and took a sip of his coffee.

"So no interest on your part?"

"She's super sweet but...My loss." He said shrugging his shoulders.

Erin huffed and started walking out of the break room "I'm never setting you up again."

"Hey! Why not?" He said following her out, she turned around and jabbed him in the chest.

"Because you don't know a good thing when you see it"

They both sat at their desks and started paperwork. Erin was deep in concentration and Jay couldn't take his eyes off her. He could see a good thing, a perfect thing but he just couldn't have it.


Voight walked out of his office and stood for a second before clearing his throat to gain everyone's attention.

"Okay as you all know next week is the annual police gala and they have gone with a masquerade ball theme. Now I know we are all going to be there but that still doesn't mean that we won't be on duty so just be prepared if we have to leave." Ruzek went to speak but Voight shut him down quickly "No complaints."

"So I obviously will be taking my fine fiancé as my date but to either of you two boys have a date?" Adam said to the boys.

"You'll find out" Atwater said giving up not hints.

"And Halstead? Any lucky lady's?" Adam said as he threw a scrunched up piece of paper at him.

"Umm not yet"

"Oh man, just ask her!" Adam replied as he rolled over to Jays desk.

"What are you talking about?" Jay looked up confused.

"Erin. You know the girl you've been pretty much drooling over" Adam said

"Nah man, pretty sure she's dating that fireman" Jay shrugged his shoulders.

"Right. She doesn't act like that, I mean she has the whole twinkly eye thing going on when your around too"

"Ruz shut up, she's coming" Jay said as he pushed Adam back to his desk by his foot and continued to act natural as Erin walked to her desk.


Later that night at Molly's Erin was sitting at the bar sipping on a beer she was in a daze when suddenly she felt a shadow beside her. It was Jay.

Jay sat beside Erin and nodded at the bartender for a beer. Erin turned and gave him a faint smile as she watched him sip his beer.

"Not even a hey?" Jay said raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry, hey." She said quietly.

"I think we need something stronger" Jay said as he asked for some shots. They both downed a couple and sat in silence for a couple minutes.

"Sorry, it's just one of those nights" Erin said as she poured herself another shot and downed it.

"All good, look I can leave you alone if you want?"

"No it's fine. Look enough about my shitty night. What's been going on with you lately, got a date to the gala?" She said turning to face him.

"Uh okay. Nothing really and no I don't have a date. But what do you care?" Jay chuckled.

"Well how about we go together?" Jay quickly raises his eyebrows at her "Not like that, just as friends" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Aren't you dating that fireman? What's his name, Kelly?"

"Yeah not anymore"

"Oh I see now. That's why you are self wallowing" Jay said while he took a sip of his beer.

She rolled her eyes "So is that a yes or do you want to keep acting like a dick?"

"Now that's no way to treat your date" he laughed.

"Haha. Your funny. You know what I'm just going to go myself." Erin said standing up.

"No don't be silly, I'd love to be your date. I will pick you up at 6" he said smiling.

"I can just meet you there"

"No if we are going together then I will pick you up" he said and lock his eyes with hers.

Erin shook her head quickly and cleared her throat "Okay cool. Well anyway I better get going, I will see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" Jay titled his head as he watched her walk out.

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