Chapter 3

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Eve got up at least an hour before everyone else in the den, she quickly got dressed and put her stuff in her bag. Before she left the den Eve put her door saying that she left early and there was no need to worry. After she left the den she went to the hidden cliffs Wyatt took her to when she first moved back into the den. Eve sat on the edge and watched the sunrise. When it was over she headed to get a quick bit to eat than she was off to school.

When Eve got to Seabrook she went into the Tropical Smoothie near then school and ordered a peanut butter banana crunch flatbread with a sunshine smoothie. After Eve got her food she waited until she got outside to start eating. When she got to school Wyatt, Willa, Wynter, Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, and Bree were already there. "Eve," Zed yelled flagging down Eve. "Well someone had a good breakfast," Addison said when Eve finally got over to the group.

"Oh, yes," Eve said as she took a sip of her smoothie. "You didn't something for your best friend, but that is fine," Zed said faking being hurt. Which made Eve giggled. "That is what you think," Eve said as she put her flatbread and drink down on a nearby table, then she went into her bag and pulled out a paper bag and handed it to Zed. "What no drink?" Zed asked purposely sounding full of himself. "Hold on, I can only hand you one thing at a time," Eve said through giggles.

"Here you go, your highness," Eve said with a bow as she handed Zed his smoothie and a straw. "Wow, I didn't spill. I love magic" Zed said as he put the straw into his drink. Eve went to pick up her food and drink. "Not that is the only reason I hang out with you," Zed said saving himself. "It is fine Zed," Eve said giggling.

Eve began to feel slightly dizzy but she kept to herself. She didn't want to worry anyone because the last time Eve felt like that was when she and the wolves didn't have the moonstone. "You're the best Eve," Zed said as he started to eat his food. "I know, anyway have you guys hear from the couch about the roster?" Eve asked. "No, we actually need to go check that," Wyatt said. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Addison asked.

"I don't know," Wyatt said. "Well come on, we will all go with you," Addison said as she began to walk to the locker room. Everyone soon began to follow. When the group to the locker room they saw posted on the door the roster. "Awesome Wyatt, you made it," Eve said hugging her brother. "And it says here our first practice is... the same time as cheer practice," Zed said as he looked at the schedule.

Then the bell rang and everyone went to class. Throughout the first part of the day, Eve contained to feel dizzy and she couldn't help but think about her vision she needed to go to the library and look at the book of legends. When it was time for her free period she told Zed to tell their friends she had to go to the library and that she would see them during lunch. Zed agreed and when it was time for the free period Eve bolted to the library.

When Eve got there she went to her favourite corner of the library. It was a secret spot only see knew about mainly because she made it from magic. The spot was hidden in a corner close the to the checkout desk. Eve liked it there the spot was a hideout, she could see everything and everyone in the library, but no one could see her and she liked it like that. When Eve got comfortable she pulled out her book and began to read. Eve was looking over each section with a quick eye until she found a section that caught her eye.

It was called, a witch with the markings of a wolf. Eve felt like the section was put there for her, and it likely was. Eve remembered reading about the book in one for her other spellbook, it stated all the info in the book of legends was true but the book would switch out some sections for others depending on who was in possession of it. Eve quickly pulled herself out of her thoughts so she could focus on the section of the book that was in front of her.

The section stated that a witch with wolf markings was a powerful being, but also very rare. Apparently, a witch who is either born half-wolf or turned into a wolf have greater power than the two species combined into a group. After Eve read the section she continued to look over.

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