Chapter 5

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It was Friday the day of the big season beginning game, Eve woke up in the morning feeling a lot better. She could stand without aches and pains. She had little ringing in her ears and she only had a little headache. Eve stood up and got dressed and walked out to the main part of the den. "Hey Eve your up and about that is great," Waverly said as she ran over to Eve. "Yes it is great I hated being in bed all the time," Eve said as she continued to walk to the main entrance of the den.

"Eve, I'm so happy you are doing better," Addison said as she ran up to Eve. "Is everyone going to say that to me when they see me?" Eve asked giggling. "I guess we will find out as we go about our day," Addison said as she too giggled. The girls kept giggling until Wyatt came up to them. "Ready for the game?" Wyatt asked. Both the girls nodded.

The wolves walked to school, where they met up with their other friends. "Yo, game day," Zed said as the wolves came up to him and the others he was with. "Bring it on," Eve said as she and Zed bumped hips, it was something they always did on game day. The group talked until had to go to class. The only thing anyone could think about was the game.

Eve couldn't help but worry about the game, she remembered what Harry told her in the library. "Somethin is going to happen at the game Friday," he said. Eve thought about what he could have meant all-day, but now it was 10 minutes before the game started so Eve had to push the thoughts out of her head.

She and all the other cheerleaders were finishing getting ready. The Bucky came up to the mic. "Welcome to the first game of the season," he yelled into the mic. The crowd roared. "Let's welcome onto the field are Mighty Shrimp cheerleaders," Bucky said pointing to where the cheerleaders were running out on the field. The crowd roared even louder. Then Bucky brought out the football team. The crowd roared and cheered.

The game was about to start everyone was in position, Zed was about to call out the first plays. When all the wolves fell to the ground, All except for Eve. "What happened?" Eve yelled running to her brother. Eve knew in the back of her head this is what Harry meant when he said something bad was going to happen. All the wolves were Wyatt, Willa, Wynter, Waverly, even Addison out.

Eve looked at the moonstone around Wyatt's neck and noticed it was barely holding a glow. Eve then looked at her own necklace it was glowing brightly. "What? Oh no the moonstone," Eve asked quietly.

"Zed, we need to get them to the den," Eve said as she looked at Wyatt. Zed nodded as he went to get Shrimpy so he can drive the bus to the den. Soon Shrimpy pulled the bus around and another bus followed, just in case. Eve used her magic to bring Wyatt to the bus. Everyone started to get the other Wolves. When all the wolves were on the busses, Eve's friends, some football player and some cheerleader filed on with the wolves on both busses.

Eve sat in between Wyatt and Willa she held their hands, she was so nervous. Eve knew what this moment was leading to. When they got to the den, everyone saw that all the wolves were affected the same way as the wolves at the game. "The moonstone," Eve screamed as she ran over to it. "It looks so dull," Eliza said walking over to Eve. Eve looked at the moonstone curiously, something within her told her to touch so she did.

When Eve did touch, she had her hand on the stone for a second before someone yanked her hand off of the stone. She looked up to see Zed holding her arm by the wrist. Eve quickly pulled her hand away. "Why did you do?" Zed asked sounding angry. "I helped didn't I," Eve said as she walked over Willa.

Willa woke up, she noticed Eve was sitting in front of her, so Willa didn't need to worry if she was ok. Well, she didn't need to worry at that moment. "Where's Wyatt?" Willa asked standing up. Eve point over to unconscious Wyatt. Willa ran over to her brother quickly, just as he woke up. "What happened?" he asked sitting up.

"You all fainted at the game, and because of that I now have to tell you my secret," Eve said sighing. "The one you've been keeping all summer?" Addison asked, standing up and walking over. Eve nodded and motion for everyone to sit down, everyone did. Eve explained the visions, the moonstone, but she left out the part about knowing what was going to happen at the game, she also left the part of her death out. Everyone was already worried enough, she didn't want to worry them further.

"What could be wrong with the moonstone?" Willa asked looking at the moonstone with a worried look. "Maybe the fact that was stolen has to do with it," Addison said looking at the crystal. "Oh my god, your right," Eve said with a gasped. Everyone looked at her as she walked over to the moonstone. "Eliza, do you think that you could trace the blue moonstone?" Eve asked looking at the moonstone.

"Yes but that moonstone may not have enough energy to help me trace the other one," Eliza said walking over to Eve. Eve thought about something for a moment. "Guys there is something else I haven't told you," Eve said with an uncomfortable look on her face. "What is it?" Wyatt said looking annoyed. Eve told them about how she found the moonstone before and that is what sent her flying across the forest.

"But the only thing is I don't remember where it was," Eve said as she fiddled with her fingers. Everyone looked disappointed at the last thing Eve said. "Well, there is good news since Eve is connected to both moonstones if she touches this one it may help me find the moonstone," Eliza said getting her laptop out. Just then Wanda entered the room. "She can't do it by herself, Eve will need someone to be her anchor," She said looking around the room.

"What do you mean?" Wyatt asked confused. Wanda explained the history of the moonstone, how it was carved from the moon, and how their necklaces were carved from the moonstone. "Someone will need to hold her hand while Eve touches the moonstone so she does not give away all of her energy," Wanda said going over to Eve. "Like Addison," Eve said.

"What no,"

"Not happening,"

"I won't let,"

"Why me?"

Eve looked at Addison and studied her hair for a moment then answered. "Because she too has a connection to the moonstone. It's not as strong as mine but it could help," Eve said walking over to the moonstone. Addison followed. "How?" Addison asked. Eve took a moment to think before answering.

"You died you could be placed on the moonstone, so when you were placed on the moonstone, not only did it bring you back to life, but it also turned your hair white, you're only supposed to have a streak but that is not how things played out," Eve explained. After much convincing Addison finally decided to help much to the dismay of Zed.

Eve held Addison's hand and Eve touched the moonstone. Everyone stared at the two girls, especially when Addison's happened began to glow. Eve's hand was now the stone for a few minutes when Eliza said, "Got it,". Eve quickly removed her hand and let go of Addison's. Eve walked over to Eliza. "Where is it?" Eve asked looking at Eliza's computer. "The energy is coming from the north," Eliza said reading her computer. Willa walked up the girls. "What are we waiting for? Let's go," Willa said running at of the den.

The lost wolf: The new moonstone *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now