Chapter One

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Okay, this is going to be my version of how Blood of Olympus ended, okie dokie. Good, good.'t be weird, okay? Okay. Now to the beginning of this little  story, my lovely readers.

Chapter One: At Camp Half-Blood.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

Dead. Dead. Dead. They're all dead. Every last one of them. The mortals I cared for. The demigods I befriended. The gods are concerned, but I don't really understand why. Ares keeps looking at me and smiling when I come up for a monthly meeting with the gods. All I do is grieve and train. Train and grieve. Train who? The surviving twenty-three demigods, not including me. So that's twenty-four. Yippee. Out of over at least three hundred who fought in the war, which meant all the demigods we had, only twenty-four of us survived. Thirteen are Roman and eleven are Greek.

I am the last of the Seven of the prophecy. I alone survived after killing Gaea. The rage overtook me and I killed her after losing all my friends. I went into battle already burdened wit hsadness because Poseidon told me that he found Sally and Paul dead. I used battle to vent my grief and anger and i came out scarred for life. I died back there. The only time I can not stop seeing the memories constantly swimming in front of my eyes is when I am engaged in battle. War is my only relief. I am able to be Percy Jackson again instead just the 'Mentor of Swords' here at camp.

We changed the name from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter to Camp Demigod. Stupid I know, but we were all lost in our grief. Me the most. I sigh. The gods granted me three wishes. I asked that New Rome, and the two camps be merged together physically instead of just by the people withing them and the border around the Greek camp would still be around the conjoined camp. I didn't name it, Zeus did.

Artemis lost all of her Hunters. Every one of them. She doesn't know how to find an more without her lieutenant or the other newer Hunters. She doesn't know how to look in cities. She hasn't even tried.

List of the dead? Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Nico, Thalia, Clarisse, Chris, Travis, Connor, Reyna, Octavian, Rachel, all of the Apollo cabin, all of the Aphrodite cabin, all of Athena's children, all of the Hecate cabin, pretty much all the cabins are empty except for Hephaestus, Poseidon, Ares, Demeter, Hypnos, and a couple of other cabins. No new campers come in because the monsters are almost all gone or in hiding. All I see are new faces. The only one I even remember fom before is the only Hephaestus kid left alive. That would be a girl named Myra. Barely knew her, but I don't talk to her at all anyway. She too is in grieving, but she's better off than I am. The Romans follow me around constantly because I'm 'honorable and Roman-like.'

Today I go to Olympus to see what the gods want from me. They were more urgent than the other times. Its been around...four months? Yup. Cause I've only been up there five times. Once for my wishes and the other four for my 'check-ups,' as they like to call them.

My other two wishes?

One was immortality, full immortality. So I could defend the remaining demigods.

The last?

That my parents be put in the Isle of the Blest. Because the one who killed them, was Polybotes. He killed them as the payment to Gaea for losing against his mortal enemy's favorite son. Woohoo! Found that out before I killed him again. Enjoyed that one. If he ever rises again. Every time he rises, I'll kill him. I'll enjoy it more every time. Revenge for a lifetime. Another reason I asked for full immortality.

Not to mention Poseidon named me a 'Prince of the Sea.' I don't want power, but Triton insisted that after all I'd been through that Poseidon grant me this title. Don't ask me why Triton of all people, would want me to be his co-prince. It weirds me out. I think he hates me, but he delared me his brother after he saw me 'prove myself' in battle on the field. Yup, so now I hang out with him. It's less weird than before and I've started calling him brother, but I'm getting used to it. He fusses over me more than the gods do.

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