Chapter Five

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Right, so I don't know if you guys like this yet. I posted the first four chpaters for you all so you could get a feel for the story. Here goes chapter five, my lovely readers!

Chapter Five: On Olympus, hating all gods at the moment.

Point of view: Ares/Mars

"Why are you spying on Ares and his children?!" My aunt fumes. Hestia has never looked so mad.

"Yes. Why are you spying on my children and I?" I cross my arms over my chest and tap my foot impatiently.

"Your children?! Percy is my child!" Poseidon screams at me. "I have a right to know where my son goes and to who adopts him without my permission."

"1: My son has a right to his privacy. 2: If you want to know, then ask instead of stalking him without his knowing. 3: Get over it uncle. He needed a fatherly figure in his life that didn't call his own child insane. He needed someone who would give him room and a family. He enjoys his time with you, but you sour it by telling him how he feels, how he should feel. He is perfectly capable of dealing with his own problems. He has lead two wars with such a short time lapse in between them. He is practically a child in age, but in all other aspects he is a man like no other. He is my champion, my son, and he has my blessing. He even told me that being in my presence gave him peace and when I claimed him, named him, and blessed him, he started grieving for real in a monumental proportion. He truly became my son when he trusted me to take care of him in his sorrow. I didn't pity him, I helped him save himself. And so did my daughters." I tell him, glaring at the god of the sea.

Poseidon sits back in his throne, stunned. I notice that I'm shifting between Mars and Ares. "Why do you keep switching between forms? Haven't you merged?" Hera asks.

"I have, but something is happening. It's like I'm becoming someone else. Blending into a different person. It normally happens when I am near my son." I reply.

"Doesn't that frighten you?" Hades asks.

"No. I know what it is. My other side is showing." I answer my uncle, the god of the dead. Not the god of death, Thanatos, but the god of the dead. There is a difference between death and dead. Death claims you, when dead is what you are. Have Hades explain to you. He has it in his head all the time. He recites it whenever someone gets it wrong. Goes on a rant every time. Really, it's annoying.

"What other side?" Artemis asks me.

"My caring side of war. I'm not totally blood thirsty. The caring side of war is the loyal side. The one that fights for what is right and just in the world, rather than just pure bloodlust. My daughters are a lot like that side because their mothers brought it out in me, the same way Percy does. His fatal flaw makes it go crazy. Mars is becoming more fatherly just like I am. Those three keep me on the caring side, rather than the insane, evil side. The greedy side of war." I explain to my sister.

"That's different. Why haven't you told us?" Apollo asks.

"Because even though most of my children don't act like it, they are mostly on the caring, devoted side of war when I am with a woman. I only have the evil side if the woman brings it out in me." I tell my idiot brother.

"How many greedy children have you sired in this past millennia?" Zeus asks me.

"One." I say.

"Who?" Poseidon asks.

"He died protecting his friend in battle in the end. He died with the caring side. His name was Uscantius. He was sired before the civil war started. It's no wonder I sired a child like that at the time. After going through what he did, he didn't want to lose another friend. Just like my new son. So he died with honor and I won't dishonor his name. He is in my 'Hall of Honor' in my palace. I only have five living kids. Two are gods. One is immortal. And the other two are mortal." I say.

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