Chapter Three

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Here it is! Enjoy, my lovely readers!

Chapter Three: Still in the medical wing of Apollo's palace.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"I wish for you to become my champion." Ares states proudly, holding his head high.

"Okay." I shrug.

Ares looks down at me in shock. "'Okay?' That's all you're going to answer with? I just asked you to become my champion and all you have to say is, 'Okay?'" He asks incredulously.

"Pretty much. But what does that entail? I must defend the demigods." I tell him.

"You can leave the camp and still defend them." Ares tells me. He smiles smugly at me. "Come with me, hero."

I groan. "I'm no hero."

"Yes you are, now follow me." Ares says, pulling me up to stand and he starts walking. I look at his back for a few seconds, comprhending what just happened. Ares thinks I'm a hero? Wow. Oh, well. I jog after him and walk behind him once I reach him. he motions me forward and I walk beside him, looking at him curiously. He sighs. "Don't give me that little look of yours. I'll answer your questions later, kid."

I roll my eyes and shrug as we leave the palace of Apollo. "Where are we heading, Lord Ares?" I ask after walking for a few minutes. I've never been to this part of Olympus.

"We are heading to Camp Demigod on foot. We are using an alternate route to get to the elevator." He says and I just look at our surroundings as we walk in silence. Not even awkward silence. His war presence calms me down on the inside, except for the anger. It makes me able to feel like my old self again.

I look at him, he reminds me alot of Frank even though he was a child of Mars. "Do you like your Roman or Greek aspect more?" I ask.

"Roman. My Greek side is a little...childish when it comes to war. But I can be serious, I just don't feel like it. When I'm around demigods, my aura makes you angry because of the dread I feel at my warriors dying, but they die with honor. If they don't it just makes me dread it more. War is my relief, just like it is yours. And I can be Roman in your presence easier now that the Roman and Greeks are friendly. So I remind you of my kid even in my Greek form? Do I look that different as Mars?" Ares asks me.

I shake my head. "No, your hair is longer in this form and you have a different style, but that's all. And you don't have to be Mars around me. Ares is fine." I tell him.

"Alright." He shrugs and I see the elevator doors.

"Oh, Hades. I was going to spend the next week in Athena's library." I curse myself in my head.

Ares raises an eyebrow. "What for? I thought you didn't like learning."

"I don't like school and it's in Ancient Greek. I got interested when I could actually read the stupid books. I'm hooked because of Annabeth and my ADHD got the better of me when I started reading the crazy books on war and architecture. It's a habit now. I borrow books from Athena all the time and return them by the end of the week because I ask her for about ten books. It takes my mind off things like battle does. It's a distraction." I explain and he nods.

"Did you ever finish school?" Ares asks me, patiently making ceasy conversation with me.

"Sort of. Athena finished it for me by teaching me the last of my classes. She even gave me my GED. Fun, right?" I say.

Ares chuckles. "So, being in my presence angers you further, but keeps you calm at the same time, huh?"

"Yes. I find peace in it while my only emotion wavers under your aura." I tell him.

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