Chapter Seven

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Sorry it has been forever my lovely readers!

Chapter Seven: CHB

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

We walk out of the sea and I let my focus on helping them breathe drop. Ares and Athena join us as we head into New Rome.

Demigods rush over and surround me. Concern clearly written on their faces.

"Lord Perseus are you okay?" Joshua asks.

"I am fine. Thank you for your concern." I reply and smile a little.

"What happened? Where is the doctor?" Tara asks.

"Oh, Clarence is up on Olympus discussing something with the gods. Nothing happened." I answer her.

"Are you sure you are all right?" Sera puts a hand on my arm.

"Yes, thank you." I tell her.

"Good." Timon breathes.

"Let's get back to work shall we?" I ask kindly and they all nod. They smile as the crowd parts ways and runs back to their activities.

"I'll make the announcement later." Ares tells me and I nod.

We enter the graveyard and I smile for once at the memories of my friends. All the good times and I resolve to lock away all the bad memories. I lay the sea flower on Annabeth's grave and whisper my greetings to the graves and my final apology. I walk over to the middle of the graveyard to a barren circle in the middle.

"I wasn't ready of the world to see this piece of art, but now I think it is time it is revealed." I look at my company and they look at me quizzically.

"Perseus, I was wondering why you would leave a huge gap in the center of the graveyard and made it out of stone at that." Athena looks thoughtful.

"This is why." I whisper. I crouch down and flip over a small rollable stone embedded in the marble center. I just press into it and roll it over, like a switch.

I jump back as the marble springs to life. The huge circle opens up into a deep chasm and marble columns, that are attached to each other by a ring at the top, spring out of the hole. Bringing with it one of the most lively gardens and several marble statues. The statues of my dead friends. A statue for each fallen demigod, but the dead seven of the prophecy have bigger versions and rest on platforms. Down to the last detail.

Leo with his hands on fire and a mini Festus curled around his spread apart feet in a fighting stance, a mischievous look on Leo's face. His tool belt around his waist. 'The elf who could make anyone laugh. A boy who was the most loved of everyone, even if he didn't know it.' Is inscribed on his platform.

Jason with his gladius and the master bolt in his hands. An eagle perched on the arm with the gladius. His praetor cape hanging proudly from his shoulders, a grin on his face and a hopeful but stern look in his eyes. 'A brother to all and a man without equal. One of the most honorable and proud people in the world.'

Piper has a dove on her shoulder and a feather in her choppy hair. She stands proudly and wields Katoptris in one hand and holds the cornucopia in the other. A playful light in her eyes and a wide smile plays on her lips. 'The bravest of us all and she didn't even know it. Beautiful in her own way and never caring about what people say.'

Frank stands with his bow drawn and a triumphant grin etched onto his face. A miniature Hannibal displaying his dominance at his feet. Frank's eyes show with a fiery determination to protect those he loves. 'A boy who grew into a man too fast and lived life to the fullest, even with a small piece being his lifeline. He still shines brightly in the world below and will always be remembered for the courage and love he displayed in his life.'

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