Chapter Eleven

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As I work, I write. Here you go my lovely readers. As promised to two special people, I have written you in as characters. I hope you like their personalities.

Chapter Eleven: This Place Is Home!

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

The Colisseum is better than the detailed pictures in the books I've read. Definitely better than the original one that is collapsed over in the original Rome. 

"Hey you! You're new! Come over here!" Someone yells.

I turn in the direction of the voice to find a vendor in a market. An open market. Gods, I feel like a little kid here. I walk over with the others. "Yes?" I ask the teenager. He has chocolate brown hair, bright and cheery green eyes, and gives off the feeling of not to be messed with, unsettling the other vendors around him, but I'm perfectly at ease and he's around my age.

"Hey, there. I am the number one guy to come to for food. I am the best fruit stand vendor in Lord Ares's dimension. You want the good stuff, you come to me. Now, how about I offer you some good deals on this wonderful merchandise?" The guy claps me on the shoulder.

"Uh," I look at the fresh fruit. "I'm not really that hungry. Thanks anyway."

"That's fine. You fightin' in the arena there?" He asks and jerks his thumb at the Collisseum.

"Yes, I think these guys want to see me fight." I glance at the soldiers who came with me.

"Hell yeah we do!" The guy who punched me shouts and the others exclaim their agreements.

"Mind if I tag along?" The kid asks excitedly.

"Not at all. What about your stand? Won't things get taken?" I say.

"Nah. It wouldn't matter if they did or not. Everything is free because it replenishes itself right after it's taken." The kid says. 

"What's your name?" I ask as we begin to walk again.

"Lucky is what they all call me, but my actual name is Johnathan. Civil War fatality. Snuck into the military underage, but no one really checked because they were desparate for soldiers. So, I got in. Died about the middle of the war. Survived a few skirmishes and one big battle before the next ambush on our scout got me. Had a good run, but my luck ran out that day. Or maybe it was because I took that bullet for Hanson. He lived I think." He answers.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Percy." I tell him and he shakes my hand.

We enter the Collisseum stands and John Patricks runs off to tell whoever is in charge that I am fighting Achilles. In the meantime, I watch Achilles take on the original Perseus, but it's obvious the gap in skill even though Perseus has more tenacity.

Perseus fends off Achilles as the warrior turns the tide and pushes him back. Achilles disarms Perseus and holds his sword to Perseus's throat, the match now over. They clasp arms and Perseus shimmers up to the stands beside me. Achilles stands in the middle of the arena and waits for his next opponent.

"Perseus Jackson, step into the ring." I hear a deep voice call. 

Everybody starts talking and I sigh. I hop onto the railing of the stands I reside in and jump the twenty feet down into the ring. Everybody gasps and starts talking in more volume. I look back up to where I jumped from to see the original Perseus's face, it's priceless and he raises an eyebrow. I mouth, "Later." To him and he nods in consent.

I walk up to Achilles and he looks at me strangely. "You share the same name as my last opponent?" 

"My mother named me after him, trying to find a name of a past hero that had more luck than all the others. She came up with that one.It is awkward though, I am a son of Poseidon, not Zeus. Demigod, now immortal." I tell him.

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