Hand twitch

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Iain was just staring at the photos of him and Ruby cuddling. He held Ruby's hand as he felt a twitch.

Connie came in and examines Ruby as Connie unscrew the ventilator. Connie said" Ruby will slip in and out of consciousness.

Ruby opened her eyes and saw Iain as she smiled and said" Babe I'm here look at me." Iain smiled and said" gorgeous I thought I lost you in that fire."

Ruby smiled then fell asleep. Connie said" that was a great outcome also the burns have healed but she'll have scars on her face and legs."

As weeks went on Ruby for much better as Iain said" everybody is missing you even your mum and dad." Ruby smiled then looked at her scars saying" wish the flames didn't take me." Iain kissed her softly on the cheek and said" Look maybe in a few weeks you can come back to work."

A few weeks later and Ruby was back at work. Iain said" I brought this as a early birthday present open it." Ruby said" Plane tickets to Florida Iain this cost hundreds of pounds."

Iain said" I did have help from Josh, Penny and Jan look we need to have a holiday after the crazy year we have and I just wanna spend more time with you and work stops us doing that because we do weird shift patterns."

Ruby smiled and said" babe I just wanna kiss you forever and thanks for this have you book the holiday off work?" Iain said" already did Ruby already did.

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