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** A week later **

Living in the Hype House is kinda fun I have to tell. During the last week we did not do nothing. I talked a lot with Nick as he still had a lot of question about my situation. We made the decision together the I should look up a therapist as we do not want this to get worst. I have an appointment for this week. But I can tell that Nick and I are bonding again and it makes me really really happy.

I am lying on thy couch in the living room. It is kinda early in the morning so no on is up. I am watching TV when I hear noises from the stairs direction. I sit up and look at the stairs. A shirtless Tony is walking down on the stairs while he is whipping his eyes heavily.

- Morning Tony. - I say and he almost jumps down on the stairs.

- Shit Ness... I almost got a heart attack. - He puts his hand on his chest. I follow his movement with my eyes. He and Ondre almost always shirtless and for sure I have to admire the view every time. Both of them are stunning. I mean how can God made two masterpiece like them. 

- My eyes are up here. - Tony laughs while he point to his eyes.

- I know but your abs are down there. - I point to his belly and I smirk.

- You are crazy. - He shakes his head - Coffee?

- Yes Sir! - I say and he leaves to the kitchen.

Tony and I are getting closer like friends... I think. We still did not talk about that almost kiss what we had once. I just do not know. I mean if he would want something more I assume he would talk about it. But he does not show any interaction towards me so I think we will be just friends... But why do I feel sad about it?

He walks back with two mug in his hands and he gives one to me.

- Thank you. - I smile at him. With an easy move he lifts my legs up sit down on the couch and puts my legs back in his lap.

- How do you feel? - He asks and drinks into his cup.

- Kinda chill. But I still have stuff at home and I think about that I might have to bring them here. - I say while I am looking into my cup. Kinda hard for me talking about this things as I kept it like a secret for so long. And also I did not hear anything from my parents. 

- It is okey. If you want me and Nick can pick your clothes. - Tony strokes my leg gently as he feels that he hit a hard point with his question. 

- That is kind from you but I do not really know how I want to do this. - I look up and give him a little half smile. My phone in my lap starts to vibrate. I grab it and watch the scree. 



Nessa... Come on why are you avoiding me?

Write and call me back please... 

I did not really talk to Jadn till I know that he is getting back with Mads. I know that we are not together but it hurts. At least he could talk about it with me. I mean we have past... We did things... And I just do not really know what is between us. 

- You okey? - Tony looks at me.

- Uhm... Yeah. Just Jadn... - I sharply exhale when I say his name out.

Tony opens his mouth to say something but my phone starts to ring and Jadn's picture appears on my screen. 

- Shit. - I say and press the green button.

- What? - I ask him.

- Finally... Nessa. What is wrong with you? Why did you not pick up the phone for me? - He angrily asks. I can feel that he is mad.

- So you are getting back with Mads? - I easily ask the question what I wanted to ask.

- So you are angry because of Mads? - I can fell the surprise in his voice.

- I just do not understand why? You should have tell me this. I thought that you should share things like this with me... - I say and I am really really angry. I can feel that the emotions grow inside me and they start to take control over me what is really really not good. 

- Why would I? This is not your business. Like you did not tell me that you hang out with Tony. So why would I tell this to you even if this is true? - He says and I almost choke on air. Does he really mad about Tony.

- So you are mad that I hang out with Tony? - I sit up quickly and Tony looks surprised at me when he hear his name. 

- Do not play this. I know that you want to f*ck him. - Jadn almost shouts and this just makes thing worse. I just can not believe that he thinks this...

- Excuse me? What did you just say? - I ask him again giving the chance to change his mind.

- You heard it clear. - He says on a cold voice.

- So you really think that I would use Tony just like you used me? Huh? - I ask him and he can not answer to me.  I see that Tony narrows his eyes.

- Nessa... - He starts to say something but I interrupt him.

- Yes Jadn. You get back with Mads because you mad. Cause you thought that I am messing around with Tony. But you do not talk to me. You just follow your stupid head. And I am mad at you cause you are capable to do this with me after we had sex... After that you almost know everything about me. You are a d*ckhead Hossler... And you know maybe you are right. Maybe I really want to f*ck him... - I say and hung up.

Yeah this happens often with me... I mean that I say thing what I should have keep to myself. Like just what I said. That I want to f*ck Tony as he is sitting right next to me. I can feel that blood rushes into my face. I put my head into my palms to hide it from Tony.

- So it is Jadn right? - He asks. 

- Yeah... - I sigh and I feel a little relief that he point this out not that f*cking part. But my relief disappear quickly as he asks the next question.

- So you want to f*ck me? - He says. I look up and him and he is having a big smile on his face. I look in his eyes and I can see those sparks again. His face makes it a just like he is not thinking about this situation seriously. And I know that this is my chance to get away with it so we can just simply forget about this whole thing.

- Shut up. - I try to push his arm a little bit but he pulls away grabs my hand and he basically pulls me into his lap. I am beyond than surprised. I accidentally drop my mug and all of my coffee is on the floor now. But I have something else to deal with than that coffee. 

- So you want to take a revenge on Jadn? Cause I am happily helping to you. We make a party tonight and he will be there. - He whispers in my ear and he gives me goosebumps. I open my mouth to reply but he pushes his lips onto mine. His softly lips gently touches mine and they are moving perfectly together. He lick my bottom lip as he is asking for permission to get his tongue in. But I refuse to open my mouth so he gently bits my lip. Suddenly we hear noises from upstairs and I can jump up from his lap in time so Nick can not see us. 

- Hey. - Nick says in a husky voice as he reaches the stair and starts to walk down.

- Hey. - We both mumble to him. I grab my mug from the floor and while I bend down to reach it I can feel Tony's eyes on my body. His eyes basically travelling on my body up and down. I look in his eyes and I bit my bottom lip softly and smile.

- Shit... - He whisper and turns his head away.

- What happened here? - Nick asks. 

- Tony scared me and I accidentally drop my mug. - I make a face to Tony and walk out to the kitchen as my face gets red again just about thinking what just happened. 


Hey There!
Love You All! 💞

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