The Party

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I look up at Tony while he is still hold my waist with his hands. 

- Wanna have a drink? - He smiles down at me. I just look in his eyes and nod a little bit. He gently grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen's direction. 

- What do you want? - He grabs a cup and looks at me curiously. 

- I drink the same as you. - I say to him as I just simply can not concentrate and just want to avoid a conversation. I see Jadn and Mads in my head again and again... I know that earlier Jadn told me that it is non of my business but he did not tell if it is true or not. And deep down I had some hope that he just bluffed about it to piss me off. If would not be the first time. 

Jadn is a really  nice guy and kind but also he always gets what he wants. Once he was still together with Mads when Taylor asked me for a date. I kinda liked Taylor at that time so I told him that I would happily go to a date with him. But Jadn somehow got Taylor to resign our date because he did not want me to go. He is manipulative and well... It is hard for me to say but he can be toxic sometimes. But in the same time he has that aura what attract girls and also he is really attractive and handsome. 

I know that I fall in his trap... And I just can blame myself for it. I always had that attraction for boys like him. How just rule my life... Yeah... I am so f*cked up...

- Ness... - Tony's voice snaps me back and I look at him. He is reaching a cup for me. 

- What is it? - I ask him curiously while I smell it. It has a sweet cherry smell.

- You do not have to know but you will like it. - He winks at me and I just raise and eyebrow. 

- Cheers! - Tony says and we both take a sip. I can feel a little bit as the alcohol burn my throat but it taste kind good.

- Hmm... - I mumble and take an another sip.

- I kinda like it. - I bit my bottom lip and smile at Tony. He does not respond just stare my lips. I know what he is thinking cause I have the same thoughts in my mind. I just want to smash my lips against his. 

- Hey there kids. - I say a know voice. Tony and I both turn to our head in the voice's direction and I smile at Bryce and Nick. 

- Hey. - I hug Nick from the side and smile at Bryce. 

- What are you two drinking? - Nick asks.

- I do not know. Tony made it. - I point at Tony and look at him. I can see that secretly he is still staring my lips when Bryce and Nick do not pay attention. 

- Tony? - Nick looks at Tony but he does nor reply. 

- Earth to Tony. - I push him a little bit and he shakes his head and finally looks at Nick.

- I can not tell you. It is my secret potion. - He smiles. 

- Just carefully with the alcohol Baby. - Bryce looks at me and I exactly know what he is talking about. Last time when I was drunk I ended up on his roof and we both have terrible memories about it.

- I know. I will be careful. I promise. - I look at Bryce and Nick. I can feel that Nick knows why Bryce told me this. He pulls me a little closer to me and kisses my head. 

- And well now you all can looks after me if I will have some problem. - I joke a little bit but they can not get it. Just stare at me with strict face. Maybe joking about this around them is not that funny. 

- Do not tell this. - Tony says softly. 

- Sorry. - I say and look down on the floor and my eyes get watery. 

Attraction ~ Tony LopezWhere stories live. Discover now