Part 4: Why Harry Potter Never Gets Boring

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Ever wonder why HP is ALWAYS a good family bonding movie series?

1) The movies still make you snot-cry even though you've snot-cried over them a million times before when someone dies.


3) Harry's cute ;)

4) Voldemort is such a demanding child with the way he demands Harry's life.He even tried making the movies about him, like, as in, the movies were about Harry, but at the same time, Voldemort was all up in his grill. It's fun to watch the batte over and over and over and over......

5) The Weasleys are a great lot to watch.

6) Bellatrix is a suck-up :D

7) You see a unicorn in the first movie...but it's dead :'(


9) Gilderoy is so self-centered.When he hits that cave wall in the CoS, it's funny!!

10) Malfoy's a cutie too ;)

11) Cedric was a hottie. Before he died, when he died, and after he lay on the ground in front of Amos(his dad), dead. But now he's Edward >:(

12) J.K. Rowling has a way with words so the movie directors don't mess up the movie.

13)Harry Potter has its own theme park!! Who wouldn't want to go wee wee wee all the way to the end of the rides? Or go to Hogsmeade?!? And drink butterbeer??? It makes me wanna watch the movies :D

14) Snape is an un-foreshadowed character. For those who know, we know what he really is. For those who don't, watch the movies or read the books and find out if Snape is good or bad.

15) No disco balls...did you get that Meyer?

16) The werewolves are WAY cooler. Not sissy wimps like Jacob.


Hey guys and girls of wattpad! Serah here! Author's note!

This part wasn't meant for much humor, but just to point out a few things about Harry Potter that pop out and make you love the series.

Vote, Comment, and Enjoy :D

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